Micael Gallego
Cited by
Cited by
GRASP and path relinking for the max–min diversity problem
MGC Resende, R Martí, M Gallego, A Duarte
Computers & Operations Research 37 (3), 498-508, 2010
Heuristics and metaheuristics for the maximum diversity problem
R Martí, M Gallego, A Duarte, EG Pardo
Journal of Heuristics 19, 591-615, 2013
A branch and bound algorithm for the maximum diversity problem
R Martí, M Gallego, A Duarte
European journal of operational research 200 (1), 36-44, 2010
Tabu search with strategic oscillation for the maximally diverse grouping problem
M Gallego, M Laguna, R Martí, A Duarte
Journal of the Operational Research Society 64 (5), 724-734, 2013
A Duarte, JJ Pantrigo, M Gallego
Madrid: Dykinson, 2007
Hybrid heuristics for the maximum diversity problem
M Gallego, A Duarte, M Laguna, R Martí
Computational Optimization and Applications 44, 411-426, 2009
A survey of the selenium ecosystem
B García, M Gallego, F Gortázar, M Munoz-Organero
Electronics 9 (7), 1067, 2020
A systematic review on cloud testing
A Bertolino, GD Angelis, M Gallego, B García, F Gortázar, F Lonetti, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (5), 1-42, 2019
Understanding and estimating quality of experience in WebRTC applications
B García, M Gallego, F Gortázar, A Bertolino
Computing 101, 1585-1607, 2019
Practical evaluation of VMAF perceptual video quality for WebRTC applications
B García, L López-Fernández, F Gortázar, M Gallego
Electronics 8 (8), 854, 2019
WebRTC testing: challenges and practical solutions
B Garcia, F Gortazar, L Lopez-Fernandez, M Gallego, M Paris
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 1 (2), 36-42, 2017
Assessment of qoe for video and audio in webrtc applications using full-reference models
B García, F Gortázar, M Gallego, A Hines
Electronics 9 (3), 462, 2020
A black-box scatter search for optimization problems with integer variables
M Laguna, F Gortázar, M Gallego, A Duarte, R Martí
Journal of Global Optimization 58, 497-516, 2014
GRASP with path relinking for the single row facility layout problem
M Rubio-Sánchez, M Gallego, F Gortázar, A Duarte
Knowledge-Based Systems 106, 1-13, 2016
Tabu search for the max–mean dispersion problem
R Carrasco, A Pham, M Gallego, F Gortázar, R Martí, A Duarte
Knowledge-Based Systems 85, 256-264, 2015
Tabu search and GRASP for the capacitated clustering problem
A Martínez-Gavara, V Campos, M Gallego, M Laguna, R Martí
Computational Optimization and Applications 62, 589-607, 2015
Authentication, authorization, and accounting in webrtc paas infrastructures: The case of kurento
L Lopez-Fernandez, M Gallego, B García, D Fernández-López, FJ Lopez
IEEE Internet Computing 18 (6), 34-40, 2014
Kurento: the Swiss army knife of WebRTC media servers
B Garcia, L Lopez-Fernandez, M Gallego, F Gortazar
IEEE Communications Standards Magazine 1 (2), 44-51, 2017
Designing and evaluating the usability of an API for real-time multimedia services in the Internet
L López-Fernández, B García, M Gallego, F Gortázar
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (12), 14247-14304, 2017
Kurento: The WebRTC modular media server
L López, M París, S Carot, B García, M Gallego, F Gortázar, R Benítez, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1187-1191, 2016
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Articles 1–20