Jordi Sort
Jordi Sort
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA)
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Exchange bias in nanostructures
J Nogués, J Sort, V Langlais, V Skumryev, S Suriñach, JS Muñoz, ...
Physics reports 422 (3), 65-117, 2005
Origin of the asymmetric magnetization reversal behavior in exchange-biased systems: Competing anisotropies
J Camarero, J Sort, A Hoffmann, JM García-Martín, B Dieny, R Miranda, ...
Physical review letters 95 (5), 057204, 2005
Synthesis and Size-Dependent Exchange Bias in Inverted Core−Shell MnO|Mn3O4 Nanoparticles
G Salazar-Alvarez, J Sort, S Surinach, MD Baró, J Nogués
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (29), 9102-9108, 2007
Modern trends in tungsten alloys electrodeposition with iron group metals
N Tsyntsaru, H Cesiulis, M Donten, J Sort, E Pellicer, EJ Podlaha-Murphy
Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry 48, 491-520, 2012
Piezoelectrically enhanced photocatalysis with BiFeO3 nanostructures for efficient water remediation
F Mushtaq, X Chen, M Hoop, H Torlakcik, E Pellicer, J Sort, C Gattinoni, ...
iscience 4, 236-246, 2018
Shell-driven magnetic stability in core-shell nanoparticles
J Nogués, V Skumryev, J Sort, S Stoyanov, D Givord
Physical Review Letters 97 (15), 157203, 2006
High- and Low-Temperature Crystal and Magnetic Structures of ε-Fe2O3 and Their Correlation to Its Magnetic Properties
M Gich, C Frontera, A Roig, E Taboada, E Molins, HR Rechenberg, ...
Chemistry of Materials 18 (16), 3889-3897, 2006
Multiwavelength Light-Responsive Au/B-TiO2 Janus Micromotors
B Jang, A Hong, HE Kang, C Alcantara, S Charreyron, F Mushtaq, ...
ACS nano 11 (6), 6146-6154, 2017
Hybrid helical magnetic microrobots obtained by 3D template‐assisted electrodeposition
MA Zeeshan, R Grisch, E Pellicer, KM Sivaraman, KE Peyer, J Sort, ...
Small 10 (7), 1284-1288, 2014
Shape-switching microrobots for medical applications: The influence of shape in drug delivery and locomotion
S Fusco, HW Huang, KE Peyer, C Peters, M Häberli, A Ulbers, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (12), 6803-6811, 2015
Tailoring perpendicular exchange bias in [Pt/Co]-IrMn multilayers
J Sort, V Baltz, F Garcia, B Rodmacq, B Dieny
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (5), 054411, 2005
Optimized Synthesis of the Elusive ε-Fe2O3 Phase via Sol−Gel Chemistry
M Popovici, M Gich, D Nižňanský, A Roig, C Savii, L Casas, E Molins, ...
Chemistry of materials 16 (25), 5542-5548, 2004
Tailoring Size Effects on the Exchange Bias in Ferromagnetic-Antiferromagnetic <?format ?> Nanostructures
V Baltz, J Sort, S Landis, B Rodmacq, B Dieny
Physical review letters 94 (11), 117201, 2005
Emergence of noncollinear anisotropies from interfacial magnetic frustration in exchange-bias systems
E Jiménez, J Camarero, J Sort, J Nogués, N Mikuszeit, JM García-Martín, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (1), 014415, 2009
Large coercivity and low-temperature magnetic reorientation in ε‐Fe2O3 nanoparticles
M Gich, A Roig, C Frontera, E Molins, J Sort, M Popovici, G Chouteau, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 98 (4), 2005
Improving the energy product of hard magnetic materials
J Sort, S Suriñach, JS Muñoz, MD Baró, J Nogués, G Chouteau, ...
Physical Review B 65 (17), 174420, 2002
Large anomalous enhancement of perpendicular exchange bias by introduction of a nonmagnetic spacer between the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers
F Garcia, J Sort, B Rodmacq, S Auffret, B Dieny
Applied physics letters 83 (17), 3537-3539, 2003
Size-dependent passivation shell and magnetic properties in antiferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic core/shell MnO nanoparticles
A López-Ortega, D Tobia, E Winkler, IV Golosovsky, G Salazar-Alvarez, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (27), 9398-9407, 2010
Microstructural effects and large microhardness in cobalt processed by high pressure torsion consolidation of ball milled powders
J Sort, A Zhilyaev, M Zielinska, J Nogués, S Surinach, J Thibault, MD Baró
Acta materialia 51 (20), 6385-6393, 2003
Exploiting length scales of exchange‐bias systems to fully tailor double‐shifted hysteresis loops
S Brück, J Sort, V Baltz, S Surinach, JS Munoz, B Dieny, MD Baro, ...
Advanced Materials 17 (24), 2978-2983, 2005
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Articles 1–20