gigliola vaglini
gigliola vaglini
Professore di Ingegneria informatica, Università di pisa
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Cited by
Development of a Debugger for a Concurrent Language
F Baiardi, N De Francesco, G Vaglini
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 547-553, 1986
Using an autoencoder in the design of an anomaly detector for smart manufacturing
AL Alfeo, MGCA Cimino, G Manco, E Ritacco, G Vaglini
Pattern Recognition Letters 136, 272-278, 2020
Monitoring elderly behavior via indoor position-based stigmergy
P Barsocchi, MGCA Cimino, E Ferro, A Lazzeri, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 23, 26-42, 2015
A “pay-how-you-drive” car insurance approach through cluster analysis
MF Carfora, F Martinelli, F Mercaldo, V Nardone, A Orlando, A Santone, ...
Soft Computing 23, 2863-2875, 2019
Generating images from caption and vice versa via clip-guided generative latent space search
FA Galatolo, MGCA Cimino, G Vaglini
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01645, 2021
Selective mu-calculus and formula-based equivalence of transition systems
R Barbuti, N De Francesco, A Santone, G Vaglini
Journal of Computer and System Sciences 59 (3), 537-556, 1999
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor’s logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation
MGCA Cimino, F Palumbo, G Vaglini, E Ferro, N Celandroni, D La Rosa
Information Technology and Management 18, 223-239, 2017
Sleep behavior assessment via smartwatch and stigmergic receptive fields
AL Alfeo, P Barsocchi, MGCA Cimino, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
Personal and ubiquitous computing 22, 227-243, 2018
Swarm coordination of mini-UAVs for target search using imperfect sensors
AL Alfeo, MGCA Cimino, N De Francesco, A Lazzeri, M Lega, G Vaglini
Intelligent Decision Technologies 12 (2), 149-162, 2018
Enhancing biologically inspired swarm behavior: Metaheuristics to foster the optimization of UAVs coordination in target search
AL Alfeo, MGCA Cimino, G Vaglini
Computers & Operations Research 110, 34-47, 2019
Urban Swarms: A new approach for autonomous waste management
AL Alfeo, EC Ferrer, YL Carrillo, A Grignard, LA Pastor, DT Sleeper, ...
2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4233-4240, 2019
Model checking for malicious family detection and phylogenetic analysis in mobile environment
MGCA Cimino, N De Francesco, F Mercaldo, A Santone, G Vaglini
Computers & Security 90, 101691, 2020
Ant colony optimization for deadlock detection in concurrent systems
G Francesca, A Santone, G Vaglini, ML Villani
2011 IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, 108-117, 2011
Combining stigmergic and flocking behaviors to coordinate swarms of drones performing target search
MGCA Cimino, A Lazzeri, G Vaglini
2015 6th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and …, 2015
Design and simulation of the emergent behavior of small drones swarming for distributed target localization
AL Alfeo, MGCA Cimino, N De Francesco, M Lega, G Vaglini
Journal of computational science 29, 19-33, 2018
Optimal joint routing and link scheduling for real-time traffic in TDMA wireless mesh networks
P Cappanera, L Lenzini, A Lori, G Stea, G Vaglini
Computer Networks 57 (11), 2301-2312, 2013
Heuristic search for equivalence checking
N De Francesco, G Lettieri, A Santone, G Vaglini
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 513-530, 2016
Grease: a tool for efficient “nonequivalence” checking
N Francesco, G Lettieri, A Santone, G Vaglini
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 23 (3), 1-26, 2014
Abstract reduction in directed model checking ccs processes
A Santone, G Vaglini
Acta informatica 49, 313-341, 2012
A stigmergy-based analysis of city hotspots to discover trends and anomalies in urban transportation usage
AL Alfeo, MGCA Cimino, S Egidi, B Lepri, G Vaglini
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (7), 2258-2267, 2018
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Articles 1–20