María Luisa Velasco López
María Luisa Velasco López
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Cited by
The scale effect in composites: An explanation physically based on the different mechanisms of damage involved in failure
F París, ML Velasco, E Correa
Composite Structures 257, 113089, 2021
Micromechanical study on the influence of scale effect in the first stage of damage in composites
F París, ML Velasco, E Correa
Composites Science and Technology 160, 1-8, 2018
Microscopical observations of inter-fibre failure under tension
E Correa, MI Valverde, ML Velasco, F París
Composites Science and Technology 155, 213-220, 2018
BEM multiscale modelling involving micromechanical damage in fibrous composites
ML Velasco, E Graciani, L Távara, E Correa, F París
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 93, 1-9, 2018
Interaction between fibres in the transverse damage in composites
ML Velasco, E Correa, F París
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 239, 107273, 2020
Thermomechanical characterisation data of 30 g/m2 and 150 g/m2 cured unidirectional carbon/epoxy tape prepreg TP 402/T700S
S Sánchez-Carmona, ML Velasco, A Barroso, E Correa
Data in Brief 47, 108966, 2023
Evolution of the damage onset and morphology in [0/90n/0] laminates when increasing the ply thickness
ML Velasco, E Correa, S Sánchez-Carmona, F París
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 170, 107542, 2023
Modelling fibre–matrix interface debonding and matrix cracking in composite laminates
F París, ML Velasco, E Correa
Multi-scale continuum mechanics modelling of fibre-reinforced polymer …, 2021
Numerical and experimental analysis of ultra-thin plies in carbon/epoxy cross-ply laminates subjected to bending after tensile cyclic loading
S Sánchez-Carmona, A Barroso, E Correa, ML Velasco
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 128, 104108, 2023
Numerical study of the progression of the micromechanical debonding damage in composites
ML Velasco, F París, E Correa
Key Engineering Materials 774, 644-649, 2018
Longitudinal fibre/matrix debonds in CFRP ultra-thin plies: TT cyclic testing and numerical prediction
S Sánchez-Carmona, C Sandino, E Correa, ML Velasco, A Barroso
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 190, 108610, 2025
Influence of the bonding method on interlaminar fracture toughness for composite material non-symmetric configurations
J Cañas, J Justo, A Blázquez, ML Velasco
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 137, 103898, 2025
Characterization by fracture mechanics of intra and interlaminar damage in composite laminates
A Blázquez, ML Velasco, P Caballos, F París
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 110812, 2025
Study of the influence of stacking sequence in the failure of crossply laminates manufactured with ultra-thin plies
ML Velasco López, E Correa Montoto, S Sánchez-Carmona, ...
Materiales Compuestos-Vol. 08-Comunicaciones MATCOMP21 (2022) Y MATCOMP23 …, 2024
The scale effect in composites, an explanation based on the mechanisms of damage
ML Velasco, E Correa, F París
Modeling Damage Fatigue and Failure of Composite Materials, 255-294, 2024
Experimental study of the damage appearance and failure in cross-ply laminates manufactured with ultra-thin plies as a function of their stacking sequence
ML Velasco, E Correa, F París
AIP Conference Proceedings 2848 (1), 2023
Testing of composite stiffened panels made by resin infusion
A Barroso Caro, S Sánchez-Carmona, ML Velasco, A Blázquez, J Cañas, ...
Universitat de Girona. Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per …, 2023
Evolution of the damage onset and morphology in [0/90n/0] laminates when increasing the ply thickness
ML Velasco López, E Correa Montoto, S Sánchez-Carmona, ...
Elsevier, 2023
A fully physically based explanation of the scale effect in composites
ML Velasco López
Efecto escala en materiales compuestos: estudio del daño intralaminar a través de un modelo micromecánico
FP Carballo, ML Velasco, E Correa
Materiales Compuestos 5 (2), 1-6, 2021
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Articles 1–20