Roseli Pellens
Roseli Pellens
Chercheur, Institut Systématique Evolution Biodiversité, Paris
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Phylogeny of Dictyoptera: dating the origin of cockroaches, praying mantises and termites with molecular data and controlled fossil evidence
F Legendre, A Nel, GJ Svenson, T Robillard, R Pellens, P Grandcolas
Plos one 10 (7), e0130127, 2015
Biodiversity sampling using a global acoustic approach: contrasting sites with microendemics in New Caledonia
A Gasc, J Sueur, S Pavoine, R Pellens, P Grandcolas
PloS one 8 (5), e65311, 2013
Evolution on a shaky piece of Gondwana: is local endemism recent in New Caledonia?
J Murienne, P Grandcolas, MD Piulachs, X Bellés, C D'Haese, ...
Cladistics 21 (1), 2-7, 2005
Vulnerability to climate change of islands worldwide and its impact on the tree of life
S Veron, M Mouchet, R Govaerts, T Haevermans, R Pellens
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 14471, 2019
Evaluation of soil conditions in fast-growing plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in Brazil: a contribution to the study of sustainable land use
I Garay, R Pellens, A Kindel, E Barros, AA Franco
Applied Soil Ecology 27 (2), 177-187, 2004
The evolutionary transition from subsocial to eusocial behaviour in Dictyoptera: phylogenetic evidence for modification of the “shift-in-dependent-care” hypothesis with a new …
R Pellens, CA D’Haese, X Bellés, MD Piulachs, F Legendre, WC Wheeler, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2), 616-626, 2007
Biodiversity conservation and phylogenetic systematics: preserving our evolutionary heritage in an extinction crisis
R Pellens, P Grandcolas
Springer Nature, 2016
Edaphic macroarthropod communities in fast-growing plantations of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maid (Myrtaceae) and Acacia mangium Wild (Leguminosae) in Brazil
R Pellens, I Garay
European Journal of Soil Biology 35 (2), 77-89, 1999
Distribution and relative age of endemism across islands worldwide
S Veron, T Haevermans, R Govaerts, M Mouchet, R Pellens
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 11693, 2019
Updating the phylogenetic dating of New Caledonian biodiversity with a meta-analysis of the available evidence
R Nattier, R Pellens, T Robillard, H Jourdan, F Legendre, M Caesar, A Nel, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 3705, 2017
Outstanding micro-endemism in New Caledonia: More than one out of ten animal species have a very restricted distribution range
M Caesar, P Grandcolas, R Pellens
PLoS One 12 (7), e0181437, 2017
Mapping extrinsic traits such as extinction risks or modelled bioclimatic niches on phylogenies: does it make sense at all?
P Grandcolas, R Nattier, F Legendre, R Pellens
Cladistics 27 (2), 181-185, 2011
Phylogenetic analysis of the endemic New Caledonian cockroach Lauraesilpha. Testing competing hypotheses of diversification
J Murienne, R Pellens, RB Budinoff, WC Wheeler, P Grandcolas
Cladistics 24 (5), 802-812, 2008
A new and independently evolved case of xylophagy and the presence of intestinal flagellates in the cockroach Parasphaeria boleiriana (Dictyoptera, Blaberidae …
R Pellens, P Grandcolas, ID Silva-Neto
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (2), 350-359, 2002
Catalogue of blattaria (insecta) from Brazil
R Pellens, P Grandcolas
Zootaxa 1709 (1), 1–109-1–109, 2008
Revisiting species and areas of interest for conserving global mammalian phylogenetic diversity
M Robuchon, S Pavoine, S Véron, G Delli, DP Faith, A Mandrici, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3694, 2021
The evolution of social behaviour in Blaberid cockroaches with diverse habitats and social systems: phylogenetic analysis of behavioural sequences
F Legendre, CA d'Haese, P Deleporte, R Pellens, MF Whiting, K Schliep, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111 (1), 58-77, 2014
Electron microscopic identification of the intestinal protozoan flagellates of the xylophagous cockroach Parasphaeria boleiriana from Brazil
G Brugerolle, ID Silva-Neto, R Pellens, P Grandcolas
Parasitology research 90, 249-256, 2003
Phylogenetics and conservation biology: drawing a path into the diversity of life
R Pellens, P Grandcolas
Biodiversity Conservation and Phylogenetic Systematics: Preserving our …, 2016
Climate and soil type together explain the distribution of microendemic species in a biodiversity hotspot
R Nattier, P Grandcolas, R Pellens, H Jourdan, A Couloux, S Poulain, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e80811, 2013
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Articles 1–20