Tommaso Nannicini
Tommaso Nannicini
Bocconi University, Department of Social and Political Sciences
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The political resource curse
F Brollo, T Nannicini, R Perotti, G Tabellini
American Economic Review, 2013
From temporary help jobs to permanent employment: what can we learn from matching estimators and their sensitivity?
A Ichino, F Mealli, T Nannicini
Journal of applied econometrics 23 (3), 305-327, 2008
Do fiscal rules matter?
V Grembi, T Nannicini, U Troiano
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 8 (3), 1-30, 2016
Tying your enemy's hands in close races: the politics of federal transfers in Brazil
F Brollo, T Nannicini
American Political Science Review 106 (4), 742-761, 2012
Assessing economic liberalization episodes: A synthetic control approach
A Billmeier, T Nannicini
Review of Economics and Statistics 95 (3), 983-1001, 2013
Do better paid politicians perform better? Disentangling incentives from selection
S Gagliarducci, T Nannicini
Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2), 369-398, 2013
Social capital and political accountability
T Nannicini, A Stella, G Tabellini, U Troiano
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (2), 222-250, 2013
Competing on good politicians
V Galasso, T Nannicini
American political science review 105 (1), 79-99, 2011
Simulation-based sensitivity analysis for matching estimators
T Nannicini
The stata journal 7 (3), 334-350, 2007
How do voters respond to information? Evidence from a randomized campaign
C Kendall, T Nannicini, F Trebbi
American Economic Review 105 (1), 322-353, 2015
Regression discontinuity designs based on population thresholds: Pitfalls and solutions
AC Eggers, R Freier, V Grembi, T Nannicini
American Journal of Political Science 62 (1), 210-229, 2018
Electoral rules and politicians' behavior: a micro test
S Gagliarducci, T Nannicini, P Naticchioni
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (3), 144-174, 2011
Moonlighting politicians
S Gagliarducci, T Nannicini, P Naticchioni
Journal of Public Economics 94 (9-10), 688-699, 2010
Temporary work agencies in Italy: a springboard toward permanent employment?
A Ichino, F Mealli, T Nannicini
Giornale degli economisti e annali di economia, 1-27, 2005
Meet the press: How voters and politicians respond to newspaper entry and exit
F Drago, T Nannicini, F Sobbrio
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6 (3), 159-188, 2014
Moderating political extremism: single round versus runoff elections under plurality rule
M Bordignon, T Nannicini, G Tabellini
American Economic Review 106 (8), 2349-70, 2016
Economies in transition: How important is trade openness for growth?
T Nannicini, A Billmeier
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 73 (3), 287-314, 2011
Trade Openness and Growth: Pursuing Empirical Glasnost
A Billmeier, T Nannicini
IMF Staff Papers 56 (3), 447-475, 2009
Historical roots of political extremism: The effects of Nazi occupation of Italy
N Fontana, T Nannicini, G Tabellini
Journal of Comparative Economics 51 (3), 723-743, 2023
Policy responses to fiscal restraints: A difference-in-discontinuities design
V Grembi, T Nannicini, U Troiano
Harvard Economics Department Working Paper, 2014
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