Feng Xie
Feng Xie
PhD Candidate in Tsinghua University
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Cited by
A link prediction approach for item recommendation with complex number
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, X Feng, J Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 81, 148-158, 2015
A real-time detecting algorithm for tracking community structure of dynamic networks
J Shang, L Liu, F Xie, Z Chen, J Miao, X Fang, C Wu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.2683, 2014
Epidemic spreading on complex networks with overlapping and non-overlapping community structure
J Shang, L Liu, X Li, F Xie, C Wu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 419, 171-182, 2015
Targeted revision: A learning-based approach for incremental community detection in dynamic networks
J Shang, L Liu, X Li, F Xie, C Wu
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 443, 70-85, 2016
Grey forecast model for accurate recommendation in presence of data sparsity and correlation
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, GC Fox
Knowledge-Based Systems 69, 179-190, 2014
Tst: Threshold based similarity transitivity method in collaborative filtering with cloud computing
F Xie, Z Chen, H Xu, X Feng, Q Hou
Tsinghua Science and Technology 18 (3), 318-327, 2013
RBRA: A simple and efficient rating-based recommender algorithm to cope with sparsity in recommender systems
F Xie, M Xu, Z Chen
2012 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2012
Item similarity learning methods for collaborative filtering recommender systems
F Xie, Z Chen, J Shang, W Huang, J Li
2015 IEEE 29th international conference on advanced information networking …, 2015
How overlapping community structure affects epidemic spreading in complex networks
J Shang, L Liu, F Xie, C Wu
2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2014
High Speed Traffic Archiving System for Flow Granularity Storage and Querying
Z Chen, X Shi, LY Ruan, F Xie, J Li
Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2012 21st International …, 2012
A framework for storage security in cloud computing
GY Chen, JJ Miao, F Xie, HD Mao
Applied Mechanics and Materials 278, 1767-1770, 2013
Identifying important users in sina microblog
J Liu, Z Cao, K Cui, F Xie
2012 Fourth International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking …, 2012
A novel workflow based data processing platform as a service
M Xu, F Xie, H Wang, Z Chen
2012 Computing, Communications and Applications Conference, 283-287, 2012
Sofa: Statistic based collaborative filtering algorithm
Y Yao, H Yuan, F Xie, Z Chen
2013 Fourth International Conference on Networking and Distributed Computing …, 2013
Grey Forecast Model for Accurate Recommendation to Cope with Data Sparsity and Correlation
F Xie, J Shang, Z Chen, GC Fox
A Novel Commodity Image Recognition and Recommendation System for Mobile Shopping & Environment Protection
H Wang, M Xu, Z Chen, F Xie
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Articles 1–16