Daniel Borrajo
Daniel Borrajo
JPMorganChase AI Research
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Integrating planning and learning: The PRODIGY architecture
M Veloso, J Carbonell, A Perez, D Borrajo, E Fink, J Blythe
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 7 (1), 81-120, 1995
SAMAP: An user-oriented adaptive system for planning tourist visits
L Castillo, E Armengol, E Onaindía, L Sebastiá, J González-Boticario, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 34 (2), 1318-1332, 2008
A review of machine learning for automated planning
S Jiménez, T De La Rosa, S Fernández, F Fernández, D Borrajo
The Knowledge Engineering Review 27 (4), 433-467, 2012
Planning for tourism routes using social networks
I Cenamor, T de la Rosa, S Núñez, D Borrajo
Expert Systems with Applications 69, 1-9, 2017
A dynamic sliding window approach for activity recognition
J Ortiz Laguna, AG Olaya, D Borrajo
User Modeling, Adaption and Personalization: 19th International Conference …, 2011
Lazy incremental learning of control knowledge for efficiently obtaining quality plans
D Borrajo, M Veloso
Lazy learning, 371-405, 1997
An integrated approach of learning, planning, and execution
R García-Martínez, D Borrajo
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 29, 47-78, 2000
A context vector model for information retrieval
H Billhardt, D Borrajo, V Maojo
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 53 (3 …, 2002
Intelligent travel planning: a multiagent planning system to solve web problems in the e-tourism domain
D Camacho, D Borrajo, JM Molina
Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 4 (4), 387-392, 2001
SymBA*: A symbolic bidirectional A* planner
A Torralba, V Alcázar, D Borrajo, P Kissmann, S Edelkamp
International Planning Competition, 105-108, 2014
Integrating planning and scheduling in workflow domains
MD R-Moreno, D Borrajo, A Cesta, A Oddi
Expert Systems with Applications 33 (2), 389-406, 2007
Using genetic programming to learn and improve control knowledge
R Aler, D Borrajo, P Isasi
Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2), 29-56, 2002
Combining linear programming and automated planning to solve intermodal transportation problems
J García, JE Florez, Á Torralba, D Borrajo, CL López, Á García-Olaya, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 227 (1), 216-226, 2013
A reinforcement learning algorithm in cooperative multi-robot domains
F Fernández, D Borrajo, LE Parker
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 43 (2), 161-174, 2005
Progress in case-based planning
D Borrajo, A Roubíčková, I Serina
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 47 (2), 1-39, 2015
GA-stacking: Evolutionary stacked generalization
A Ledezma, R Aler, A Sanchis, D Borrajo
Intelligent Data Analysis 14 (1), 89-119, 2010
Scaling up heuristic planning with relational decision trees
T De la Rosa, S Jiménez, R Fuentetaja, D Borrajo
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 40, 767-813, 2011
Counterplanning using Goal Recognition and Landmarks.
A Pozanco, E Yolanda, S Fernández, D Borrajo
IJCAI, 4808-4814, 2018
Revisiting Regression in Planning.
V Alcázar, D Borrajo, S Fernández, R Fuentetaja
IJCAI, 2254-2260, 2013
PELEA: a domain-independent architecture for planning, execution and learning
C Guzmán, V Alcázar, D Prior, E Onaindia, D Borrajo, J Fdez-Olivares, ...
Proceedings of ICAPS'12 Scheduling and Planning Applications woRKshop (SPARK …, 2012
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Articles 1–20