Alberto Camarero Orive
Alberto Camarero Orive
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Preparation of a smart port indicator and calculation of a ranking for the spanish port system
A Rodrigo González, N González-Cancelas, B Molina Serrano, AC Orive
Logistics 4 (2), 9, 2020
How should the sustainability of the location of dry ports be measured? A proposed methodology using Bayesian networks and multi-criteria decision analysis
S Awad-Núñez, N González-Cancelas, F Soler-Flores, A Camarero-Orive
Transport 30 (3), 312-319, 2015
Strategic analysis of the automation of container port terminals through BOT (business observation tool)
A Camarero Orive, JIP Santiago, MMEI Corral, N González-Cancelas
Logistics 4 (1), 3, 2020
Application of a model based on the use of DELPHI methodology and Multicriteria Analysis for the assessment of the quality of the Spanish Dry Ports location
S Awad-Núñez, N González-Cancelas, A Camarero-Orive
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 162, 42-50, 2014
Cadenas integradas de transporte
AC Orive, NG Cancelas
Fundación Agustín de Betancourt, 2005
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on road freight transportation–A Colombian case study
JN Gonzalez, A Camarero-Orive, N González-Cancelas, AF Guzman
Research in Transportation Business & Management 43, 100802, 2022
Using the SWOT Methodology to Know the Scope of the Digitalization of the Spanish Ports
N González-Cancelas, B Molina Serrano, F Soler-Flores, ...
Logistics 4 (3), 20, 2020
Classification and prediction of port variables using Bayesian Networks
BM Serrano, N González-Cancelas, F Soler-Flores, A Camarero-Orive
Transport Policy 67, 57-66, 2018
Use of the Delphi method to determine the constraints that affect the future size of large container ships
MA Gomez Paz, A Camarero Orive, N Gonzalez Cancelas
Maritime Policy & Management 42 (3), 263-277, 2015
How should the sustainability of the location of dry ports be measured?
S Awad-Núñez, F Soler-Flores, N González-Cancelas, A Camarero-Orive
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 936-944, 2016
A methodology for measuring sustainability of dry ports location based on Bayesian Networks and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
S Awad-Núñez, N González-Cancelas, F Soler-Flores, A Camarero-Orive
Transportation Research Procedia 13, 124-133, 2016
Logística y transporte de contenedores
A Camarero, N González
Fundación Agustín de Betancourt. Ministerio de Fomento, 2007
Modelo de eficiencia de las terminales de contenedores del sistema portuario español
MNG Cancelas, FS Flores, AC Orive
Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA 14 (1), 49-67, 2013
Refinement of accident prediction models for Spanish national network
JMP Mayora, RB Manzo, AC Orive
Transportation research record 1950 (1), 65-72, 2006
Risk assessment of critical infrastructures–New parameters for commercial ports
D Romero-Faz, A Camarero-Orive
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 18, 50-57, 2017
Road network analysis using decision trees algorithm: A case of study of Panama
J Quijada-Alarcón, N González Cancelas, A Camarero Orive, ...
The 1st Virtual International Conference ARSA, 60101-242, 2012
Caracterización de parámetros físicos de terminales de contenedores del sistema portuario español
N González Cancelas, A Camarero Orive
Ingeniería y Ciencia 5 (10), 49-73, 2009
DEA-bootstrapping analysis for different models of Spanish port governance
JI Parra Santiago, A Camarero Orive, N González Cancelas
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (1), 30, 2020
Escenario de digitalización para el sistema portuario español
NG Cancelas, BM Serrano, ME Infantes, FS Flores, AC Orive
Revista Transporte y Territorio, 2020
Metodología para la clasificación de los puertos mediante indicadores de explotación utilizando análisis de conglomerados
AC Orive, MMC Jiménez, IJT Domínguez, NG Cancelas, AC Orive
Inge Cuc 12 (2), 41-49, 2016
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20