Álvaro García López
Álvaro García López
Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Área de Física Aplicada
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Cited by
A validated mathematical model of tumor growth including tumor–host interaction, cell-mediated immune response and chemotherapy
AG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Bulletin of mathematical biology 76, 2884-2906, 2014
Avoiding healthy cells extinction in a cancer model
ÁG López, J Sabuco, JM Seoane, J Duarte, C Januário, MAF Sanjuán
Journal of theoretical biology 349, 74-81, 2014
On an electrodynamic origin of quantum fluctuations
ÁG López
Nonlinear Dynamics 102 (1), 621-634, 2020
Dynamics of the cell-mediated immune response to tumour growth
ÁG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 375 (2096), 20160291, 2017
Nonlinear cancer chemotherapy: modelling the Norton-Simon hypothesis
ÁG López, KC Iarosz, AM Batista, JM Seoane, RL Viana, MAF Sanjuán
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 70, 307-317, 2019
Stability analysis of the uniform motion of electrodynamic bodies
ÁG López
Phys. Scr. 96, 015506, 2020
The dose-dense principle in chemotherapy
ÁG López, KC Iarosz, AM Batista, JM Seoane, RL Viana, MAF Sanjuán
Journal of theoretical biology 430, 169-176, 2017
Decay dynamics of tumors
ÁG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
PloS one 11 (6), e0157689, 2016
Destruction of solid tumors by immune cells
ÁG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 44, 390-403, 2017
The thermodynamic efficiency of the Lorenz system
ÁG Lopez, F Benito, J Sabuco, A Delgado-Bonal
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 172, 2023
The effect of time ordering and concurrency in a mathematical model of chemoradiotherapy
I Bashkirtseva, L Ryashko, AG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 105693, 2021
Bifurcation analysis and nonlinear decay of a tumor in the presence of an immune response
ÁG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 27 (14), 1750223, 2017
The role of dose density in combination cancer chemotherapy
ÁG López, KC Iarosz, AM Batista, JM Seoane, RL Viana, MAF Sanjuán
Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat 79, 104918, 2019
Orbit quantization in a retarded harmonic oscillator
ÁG López
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 170, 113412, 2023
Tumor stabilization induced by T-cell recruitment fluctuations
I Bashkirtseva, L Ryashko, AG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 10 (12), 2050179, 2020
Quantifying the randomness of the forex market
A Delgado-Bonal, ÁG López
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 569, 1257, 2021
Average conservative chaos in quantum dusty plasmas
ÁG López, R Ali, L Mandi, P Chatterjee
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 31, 013104, 2021
Transient chaos under coordinate transformations in relativistic systems
DS Fernández, AG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Phys. Rev. E 101, 062212, 2020
Modelling cancer dynamics using cellular automata
AG Lopez, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuan
Advanced Mathematical Methods in Bioscience and Applications, 2019
Ergodic decay laws in Newtonian and relativistic chaotic scattering
DS Fernández, ÁG López, JM Seoane, MAF Sanjuán
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 103, 105987, 2021
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Articles 1–20