Luca Cacciolatti
Luca Cacciolatti
Reader in Marketing, University of Westminster
Correu electrònic verificat a - Pàgina d'inici
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Revisiting the relationship between marketing capabilities and firm performance: The moderating role of market orientation, marketing strategy and organisational power
L Cacciolatti, SH Lee
Journal of business research 69 (12), 5597-5610, 2016
Regional collaborations and indigenous innovation capabilities in China: A multivariate method for the analysis of regional innovation systems
SL Zhao, L Cacciolatti, SH Lee, W Song
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 94, 202-220, 2015
Strategic alliances and firm performance in startups with a social mission
L Cacciolatti, A Rosli, JL Ruiz-Alba, J Chang
Journal of Business Research 106, 106-117, 2020
Clashing institutional interests in skills between government and industry: An analysis of demand for technical and soft skills of graduates in the UK
L Cacciolatti, SH Lee, CM Molinero
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 119, 139-153, 2017
Traditional food products: the effect of consumers’ characteristics, product knowledge, and perceived value on actual purchase
LA Cacciolatti, CC Garcia, M Kalantzakis
Journal of international food & agribusiness marketing 27 (3), 155-176, 2015
Marketing intelligence in SMEs: Implications for the industry and policy makers
LA Cacciolatti, A Fearne
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 31 (1), 4-26, 2013
Rural environment stakeholders and policy making: Willingness to pay to reduce road transportation pollution impact in the Western Pyrenees
F Lera-López, M Sánchez, J Faulin, L Cacciolatti
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 32, 129-142, 2014
Entrepreneurial marketing for SMEs
L Cacciolatti, SH Lee
Springer, 2015
The effects of biofeedback‐based stimulated recall on self‐regulated online learning: A gender and cognitive taxonomy perspective
X Zhai, Q Fang, Y Dong, Z Wei, J Yuan, L Cacciolatti, Y Yang
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 34 (6), 775-786, 2018
Entrepreneurial cognition and learning
L Cacciolatti, SH Lee, L Cacciolatti, SH Lee
Entrepreneurial marketing for SMEs, 46-56, 2015
Empirical Evidence for a Relationship between Business Growth and the Use of Structured Marketing Information Amongst Food and Drink SME's
L Cacciolatti, A Fearne
University of Kent, Canterbury, 2011
Types, sources and frequency of use of formalised marketing information as a catalyst of SME growth
L Cacciolatti, A Fearne, B Ihua, D Yawson
Journal of Strategic Management Education 8 (1), 1-24, 2012
How differentiated is Scottish beef? An analysis of supermarket data
C Revoredo-Giha, C Lamprinopoulou, P Leat, B Kupiec-Teahan, L Toma, ...
Journal of Food Products Marketing 17 (2-3), 183-210, 2011
Analysing the demand for supply chain jobs through job advertisements
L Cacciolatti, C Mar Molinero
Kent Business School, 2013
A study of small business owners’ personal characteristics and the use of marketing information in the food and drink industry: a resource-based perspective
L Cacciolatti, T Wan
International Journal on Food System Dynamics 3 (2), 171-184, 2012
The role of universities in the development of the local knowledge base: supporting innovation ecosystems through skills development and entrepreneurship
A Rosli, L Cacciolatti
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 12 (1), 64-87, 2022
The secret thoughts of social network sites users: a scale for the measurement of online knowledge-hiding in a knowledge exchange (KE) context
X Zhai, M Wang, NS Chen, U Ghani, L Cacciolatti
Interactive Learning Environments 31 (5), 2899-2913, 2023
The Nature of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise
L Cacciolatti, SH Lee, L Cacciolatti, SH Lee
Entrepreneurial Marketing for SMEs, 6-27, 2015
A qualitative exploratory investigation on the purchase intention of consumers affected by long-term negative advertising: a case from the Chinese milk sector
Y Cui, L Cacciolatti, P Woock, Y Liu, X Zhang
Economia agro-alimentare, 2017
Bread prices, consumption and nutrition implications for Scotland: a regional analysis using supermarket scanner data
C Revoredo-Giha, C Lamprinopoulou-Kranis, L Toma, PMK Leat, ...
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20