Mette Juel Rothmann
Mette Juel Rothmann
Assistant Professor, Clinical Institute, Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark
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Participatory design methods in telemedicine research
J Clemensen, MJ Rothmann, AC Smith, LJ Caffery, DB Danbjorg
Journal of telemedicine and telecare 23 (9), 780-785, 2017
Effectiveness of a two-step population-based osteoporosis screening program using FRAX: the randomized Risk-stratified Osteoporosis Strategy Evaluation (ROSE) study
KH Rubin, MJ Rothmann, T Holmberg, M Høiberg, S Möller, R Barkmann, ...
Osteoporosis International 29, 567-578, 2018
Usage of an exercise app in the care for people with osteoarthritis: user-driven exploratory study
DB Danbjørg, A Villadsen, E Gill, MJ Rothmann, J Clemensen
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (1), e11, 2018
Lifestyle interventions to maternal weight loss after birth: a systematic review
PK Christiansen, MM Skjøth, MJ Rothmann, CA Vinter, RF Lamont, ...
Systematic reviews 8, 1-11, 2019
Participatory design in health care: participation, power and knowledge
MJ Rothmann, DB Danbjørg, CM Jensen, J Clemensen
Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Short Papers …, 2016
Women’s perspectives and experiences on screening for osteoporosis (Risk-stratified Osteoporosis Strategy Evaluation, ROSE)
MJ Rothmann, L Huniche, J Ammentorp, R Barkmann, CC Glüer, ...
Archives of osteoporosis 9, 1-9, 2014
We're on mute! Exclusion of nurses' voices in national decisions and responses to COVID‐19: An international perspective
B Rasmussen, S Holton, K Wynter, DJ Phillips, JL David, MJ Rothmann, ...
Journal of Advanced Nursing 78 (7), e87, 2022
The risk-stratified osteoporosis strategy evaluation study (ROSE): a randomized prospective population-based study. Design and baseline characteristics
KH Rubin, T Holmberg, MJ Rothmann, M Høiberg, R Barkmann, J Gram, ...
Calcified tissue international 96, 167-179, 2015
Non-participation in systematic screening for osteoporosis—the ROSE trial
MJ Rothmann, S Möller, T Holmberg, M Højberg, J Gram, M Bech, ...
Osteoporosis International 28, 3389-3399, 2017
Self-perceived facture risk: factors underlying women’s perception of risk for osteoporotic fractures: the Risk-Stratified Osteoporosis Strategy Evaluation study (ROSE)
MJ Rothmann, J Ammentorp, M Bech, J Gram, OW Rasmussen, ...
Osteoporosis International 26, 689-697, 2015
Roles, outcomes, and enablers within research partnerships: A rapid review of the literature on patient and public involvement and engagement in health research
AW Karlsson, A Kragh-Sørensen, K Børgesen, KE Behrens, T Andersen, ...
Research involvement and engagement 9 (1), 43, 2023
Positive facilitators of diabetes management in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes—A qualitative analysis of blogs
CB Johansen, F Pouwer, H Beck‐Nielsen, MJ Rothmann
Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism 3 (3), e00161, 2020
The role of parental support for emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: a scoping review
CB Johansen, MJ Rothmann, A Andersen, H Beck‐Nielsen, F Pouwer
Pediatric Diabetes 21 (6), 995-1030, 2020
Socioeconomic status and risk of osteoporotic fractures and the use of DXA scans: data from the Danish population-based ROSE study
T Holmberg, S Möller, MJ Rothmann, J Gram, AP Herman, K Brixen, ...
Osteoporosis International 30, 343-353, 2019
Experiences of being diagnosed with osteoporosis: a meta-synthesis
MJ Rothmann, PR Jakobsen, CM Jensen, AP Hermann, AC Smith, ...
Archives of osteoporosis 13, 1-13, 2018
Australian and Danish nurses’ and midwives’ wellbeing during COVID-19: A comparison study
S Holton, K Wynter, MJ Rothmann, MM Skjøth, J Considine, M Street, ...
Collegian 29 (3), 281-287, 2022
Self-determination theory interventions versus usual care in people with diabetes: a protocol for a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis
AS Mathiesen, MJ Rothmann, V Zoffmann, JC Jakobsen, C Gluud, ...
Systematic Reviews 10, 1-13, 2021
The journey to solo motherhood–An explorative study
A Werner, KF Funderskov, MK Nielsen, H Mørkholm, DB Danbjørg, ...
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare 27, 100586, 2021
Getting the body back on track–Understanding the phenomenon of mobilisation when conscious and mechanically ventilated patients are mobilised in the intensive care unit
L Lehmkuhl, P Dreyer, E Laerkner, HT Olsen, E Jespersen, MJ Rothmann
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 78, 103450, 2023
Nurses' experiences of caring for and managing hospitalized patients with schizophrenia and diabetes—An interpretative phenomenological analysis
TJ Mikkelsen, MG Jensen, DB Danbjørg, MJ Rothmann
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 58 (1), 288-296, 2022
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Articles 1–20