Jose Angel Ortiz Lozano
Jose Angel Ortiz Lozano
Full Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México
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Cited by
Land subsidence and ground failure associated to groundwater exploitation in the Aguascalientes Valley, México
J Pacheco-Martínez, M Hernandez-Marín, TJ Burbey, ...
Engineering Geology 164, 172-186, 2013
Influence of environmental temperatures on the concrete compressive strength: Simulation of hot and cold weather conditions
J Ortiz, A Aguado, L Agulló, T García
Cement and concrete research 35 (10), 1970-1979, 2005
Effects of static magnetic fields on the physical, mechanical, and microstructural properties of cement pastes
JJ Soto-Bernal, R Gonzalez-Mota, I Rosales-Candelas, JA Ortiz-Lozano
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2015 (1), 934195, 2015
Steel-fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete with 100% recycled mixed aggregates suitable for structural applications
JA Ortiz, A De La Fuente, FM Sebastia, I Segura, A Aguado
Construction and Building Materials 156, 230-241, 2017
Application of InSAR and gravimetry for land subsidence hazard zoning in Aguascalientes, Mexico
J Pacheco-Martínez, E Cabral-Cano, S Wdowinski, M Hernández-Marín, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (12), 17035-17050, 2015
Influence of environmental temperature and moisture content of aggregates on the workability of cement mortar
J Ortiz, A Aguado, L Agulló, T García, M Zermeño
Construction and Building Materials 23 (5), 1808-1814, 2009
Experimental study about the effects of granular skeleton distribution on the mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
ACP Santos, JA Ortiz-Lozano, N Villegas, A Aguado
Construction and Building Materials 78, 40-49, 2015
Estudio experimental sobre la influencia de la temperatura ambiental en la resistencia del hormigón preparado
J Ortiz, A Aguado, L Agulló, T García
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, 2005
Estudio experimental sobre la influencia de la temperatura ambiental en la resistencia del hormigón preparado
JÁ Ortiz Lozano
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005
Experimental mechanical characterization of steel and polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete
AM de Luna, JÁO Lozano, LP Jaime, JP Martínez, JJS Bernal, ...
Rev. Tec. Fac. Ing. U. Zulia 37, 106-115, 2014
Fragility curves for thin-walled cold-formed steel wall frames affected by ground settlements due to land subsidence
LA Hernández-Castillo, JA Ortiz-Lozano, M Hernández-Marín, ...
Thin-walled structures 87, 66-75, 2015
Evaluation and analysis of surface deformation in west Chapala basin, central Mexico
M Hernandez-Marin, J Pacheco-Martinez, A Ramirez-Cortes, TJ Burbey, ...
Environmental earth sciences 72, 1491-1501, 2014
Influencia de la temperatura ambiental sobre las propiedades de trabajabilidad y microestructurales de morteros y pastas de cemento
JA Ortiz, A Aguado, J Roncero, ME Zermeño
Concreto y cemento. Investigación y desarrollo 1 (1), 2-24, 2009
Influencia de la temperatura ambiental en las propiedades del concreto hidráulico
JA Ortiz Lozano, A Aguado de Cea, ME Zermeño de León, ...
Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2007
Structural use of fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregates: Case study of a foundation wall in Spain
JA Ortiz-Lozano, F Mena-Sebastia, I Segura, A de la Fuente, A Aguado
Case Studies in Construction Materials 17, e01334, 2022
Tailor made concrete structures: new solutions for our society (Abstracts Book 314 pages+ CD-ROM full papers 1196 pages)
JC Walraven, D Stoelhorst
CRC Press, 2008
Estudio experimental sobre la influencia de la temperatura ambiental en la resistencia del hormigón preparado: bases teóricas
JA Ortiz Lozano, A Aguado de Cea, L Agulló Fité, T García Vicente, ...
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Eduardo Torroja …, 2008
Influence of CO 2 Laser Radiation on the Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Pastes
MR Moreno-Virgen, JJ Soto-Bernal, JA Ortíz-Lozano, A Bonilla-Petriciolet, ...
Materiales de Construcción 61 (301), 77-91, 2011
Application of InSAR and gravimetric surveys for developing construction codes in zones of land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction: case study of Aguascalientes, Mexico
J Pacheco-Martínez, S Wdowinski, E Cabral-Cano, M Hernández-Marín, ...
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 372 …, 2015
Land subsidence and ground failure associated to groundwater exploitation in the Aguascalientes Valley, México
J Pacheco, M Hernández, TJ Burbey, N González, J Ortíz, M Zermeño, ...
Engineering Geology 164 (18), 172-186, 2013
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Articles 1–20