José A. Cobos
José A. Cobos
Professor in Power Electronics at UPM
Dirección de correo verificada de UPM.ES
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Single phase power factor correction: A survey
O García, JA Cobos, R Prieto, P Alou, J Uceda
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 18 (3), 749-755, 2003
Review and comparison of step-up transformerless topologies for photovoltaic AC-module application
D Meneses, F Blaabjerg, O Garcia, JA Cobos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (6), 2649-2663, 2012
Automotive DC-DC bidirectional converter made with many interleaved buck stages
O Garcia, P Zumel, A De Castro, A Cobos
IEEE transactions on power electronics 21 (3), 578-586, 2006
A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator
W Decking, S Abeghyan, P Abramian, A Abramsky, A Aguirre, C Albrecht, ...
Nature photonics 14 (6), 391-397, 2020
A wireless charging system applying phase-shift and amplitude control to maximize efficiency and extractable power
A Berger, M Agostinelli, S Vesti, JA Oliver, JA Cobos, M Huemer
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (11), 6338-6348, 2015
A simple dc-dc converter for the power supply of a cochlear implant
C Fernandez, O Garcia, JA Cobos, J Uceda
IEEE 34th Annual Conference on Power Electronics Specialist, 2003. PESC'03 …, 2003
Multilevel power supply for high-efficiency RF amplifiers
M Vasic, O Garcia, JA Oliver, P Alou, D Diaz, JA Cobos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (4), 1078-1089, 2009
Magnetic integration for interleaved converters
P Zumel, O Garcia, JA Cobos, J Uceda
Eighteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2003
Impedance-based stability and transient-performance assessment applying maximum peak criteria
S Vesti, T Suntio, JA Oliver, R Prieto, JA Cobos
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (5), 2099-2104, 2012
The determination of the boundaries between continuous and discontinuous conduction modes in PWM DC-to-DC converters used as power factor preregulators
J Sebastián, JA Cobos, JM Lopera, U Uceda
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 10 (5), 574-582, 1995
Power factor correction: A survey
O Garcia, JA Cobos, R Prieto, P Alou, J Uceda
2001 IEEE 32nd annual power electronics specialists conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
FPGA-based digital pulsewidth modulator with time resolution under 2 ns
SC Huerta, A De Castro, O Garcia, JA Cobos
IEEE transactions on power electronics 23 (6), 3135-3141, 2008
Analysis of the buck converter for scaling the supply voltage of digital circuits
A Soto, A de Castro, P Alou, JA Cobos, J Uceda, A Lotfi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (6), 2432-2443, 2007
Power electronics enabling efficient energy usage: Energy savings potential and technological challenges
J Popović-Gerber, JA Oliver, N Cordero, T Harder, JA Cobos, M Hayes, ...
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (5), 2338-2353, 2011
Miniaturised battery charger using piezoelectric transformers
J Navas, T Bove, JA Cobos, F Nuno, K Brebol
APEC 2001. Sixteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2001
Improving power factor correction in distributed power supply systems using PWM and ZCS-QR SEPIC topologies
J Sebastian, J Uceda, JA Cobos, J Arau, F Aldana
IEEE PESC 91, 780-791, 1991
A full procedure to model high frequency transformer windings
R Asensi, JA Cobos, O Garcia, R Prieto, J Uceda
Proceedings of 1994 Power Electronics Specialist Conference-PESC'94 2, 856-863, 1994
Nonlinear digital control breaks bandwidth limitations
A Soto, P Alou, JA Cobos
Twenty-First Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2006
An overall study of the half-bridge complementary-control DC-to-DC converter
J Sebastian, JA Cobos, O Garcia, J Uceda
Proceedings of PESC'95-Power Electronics Specialist Conference 2, 1229-1235, 1995
Design issues of a core-less transformer for a contact-less application
C Fernandez, O Garcia, R Prieto, JA Cobos, S Gabriels, G Van Der Borght
APEC. Seventeenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2002
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