Surendranath Rakesh Jory
Surendranath Rakesh Jory
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The influence of economic policy uncertainty on corporate trade credit and firm value
SR Jory, HD Khieu, TN Ngo, HV Phan
Journal of Corporate Finance 64, 101671, 2020
Institutional ownership stability and real earnings management
H Sakaki, D Jackson, S Jory
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 49, 227-244, 2017
The effects of institutional ownership on the value and risk of diversified firms
M Jafarinejad, SR Jory, TN Ngo
International Review of Financial Analysis 40, 207-219, 2015
Institutional investors' ownership stability and firms' innovation
H Sakaki, SR Jory
Journal of Business Research 103, 10-22, 2019
The market response to corporate scandals involving CEOs
SR Jory, TN Ngo, D Wang, A Saha
Applied Economics 47 (17), 1723-1738, 2015
Cross-border acquisitions of state-owned enterprises
SR Jory, TN Ngo
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 1096-1114, 2014
The role of sovereign wealth funds in global financial intermediation
SR Jory, MJ Perry, TA Hemphill
Thunderbird International Business Review 52 (6), 589-604, 2010
Credit ratings and the premiums paid in mergers and acquisitions
SR Jory, TN Ngo, D Wang
Journal of Empirical Finance 39, 93-104, 2016
Institutional ownership stability and dividend payout policy
SR Jory, T Ngo, H Sakaki
Managerial Finance 43 (10), 1170-1188, 2017
Real activities manipulation and firm valuation
C Mellado-Cid, SR Jory, TN Ngo
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 50, 1201-1226, 2018
Net present value analysis and the wealth creation process: a case illustration
A Benamraoui, SR Jory, DR Boojihawon, NO Madichie
The Accounting Educators' Journal 26, 2016
Ponzi Schemes: A Critical Analysis
S Jory, M Perry
Journal of Financial Planning, 2011
The long-run performance of firms emerging from Chapter 11 bankruptcy
SR Jory, J Madura
Applied Financial Economics 20 (14), 1145-1161, 2010
Acquisitions of bankrupt assets
SR Jory, J Madura
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 49 (3), 748-759, 2009
Real earnings management activities prior to bond issuance
C Mellado-Cid, SR Jory, T Ngo
BRQ Business Research Quarterly 20 (3), 164-177, 2017
Earnings management under different ownership and corporate governance structure: A natural experiment with master limited partnerships
H Chen, S Jory, T Ngo
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 76, 139-156, 2020
The effect of block ownership on future firm value and performance
A Benamraoui, SR Jory, K Mazouz, N Shah, O Gough
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 50, 100982, 2019
Impact on the firm value of financial institutions from penalties for violating anti-money laundering and economic sanctions regulations
KD Gowin, D Wang, SR Jory, R Houmes, T Ngo
Finance Research Letters 40, 101675, 2021
The effect of shareholder activism on bondholders and stockholders
S Jory, T Ngo, J Susnjara
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 66, 328-344, 2017
Real activities manipulation by bidders prior to mergers and acquisitions
J Farooqi, T Ngo, S Jory
Review of Accounting and Finance 16 (3), 322-347, 2017
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Articles 1–20