Ruud Frambach
Ruud Frambach
Professor of Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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Organizational innovation adoption: A multi-level framework of determinants and opportunities for future research
RT Frambach, N Schillewaert
Journal of business research 55 (2), 163-176, 2002
Innovations in retail business models
A Sorescu, RT Frambach, J Singh, A Rangaswamy, C Bridges
Journal of retailing 87, S3-S16, 2011
Generalizations on consumer innovation adoption: A meta-analysis on drivers of intention and behavior
JWC Arts, RT Frambach, THA Bijmolt
International Journal of Research in Marketing 28 (2), 134-144, 2011
The adoption of information technology in the sales force
N Schillewaert, MJ Ahearne, RT Frambach, RK Moenaert
Industrial marketing management 34 (4), 323-336, 2005
The impact of consumer internet experience on channel preference and usage intentions across the different stages of the buying process
RT Frambach, HCA Roest, TV Krishnan
Journal of interactive marketing 21 (2), 26-41, 2007
Consequences of forcing consumers to use technology-based self-service
MJ Reinders, PA Dabholkar, RT Frambach
Journal of service research 11 (2), 107-123, 2008
The influence of business strategy on new product activity: The role of market orientation
RT Frambach, J Prabhu, TMM Verhallen
International journal of research in marketing 20 (4), 377-397, 2003
The purchasing of full-service contracts:: An exploratory study within the industrial maintenance market
S Stremersch, S Wuyts, RT Frambach
Industrial Marketing Management 30 (1), 1-12, 2001
An Integrated Model of Organizational Adoption andDiffusion of Innovations
RT Frambach
European Journal of Marketing 27 (5), 22-41, 1993
Adoption of a service innovation in the business market: An empirical test of supply-side variables
RT Frambach, HG Barkema, B Nooteboom, M Wedel
Journal of business research 41 (2), 161-174, 1998
Successful new product pricing practices: a contingency approach
P Ingenbleek, M Debruyne, RT Frambach, TMM Verhallen
Marketing letters 14, 289-305, 2003
How important is customer orientation for firm performance? A fuzzy set analysis of orientations, strategies, and environments
RT Frambach, PC Fiss, PTM Ingenbleek
Journal of Business Research 69 (4), 1428-1436, 2016
Proactive product service strategies: an application in the European health market
RT Frambach, I Wels-Lips, A Gündlach
Industrial Marketing Management 26 (4), 341-352, 1997
Determinants of the adoption of new product development tools by industrial firms
EJ Nijssen, RT Frambach
Industrial Marketing Management 29 (2), 121-131, 2000
Using Product Bundling to Facilitate the Adoption Process of Radical Innovations*
MJ Reinders, RT Frambach, JPL Schoormans
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (7), 1127-1140, 2010
The Role of Value‐Informed Pricing in Market‐Oriented Product Innovation Management*
PTM Ingenbleek, RT Frambach, TMM Verhallen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (7), 1032-1046, 2010
Best practices for new product pricing: Impact on market performance and price level under different conditions
PTM Ingenbleek, RT Frambach, TMM Verhallen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (3), 560-573, 2013
Buying modular systems in technology-intensive markets
S Stremersch, AM Weiss, BGC Dellaert, RT Frambach
Journal of Marketing Research 40 (3), 335-350, 2003
Encouraging innovation in business relationships—A research note
EA Mooi, RT Frambach
Journal of Business Research 65 (7), 1025-1030, 2012
Using the Weapons You Have: The Role of Resources and Competitor Orientation as Enablers and Inhibitors of Competitive Reaction to New Products*
M Debruyne, RT Frambach, R Moenaert
Journal of Product Innovation Management 27 (2), 161-178, 2010
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Articles 1–20