Yu Zheng
Yu Zheng
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Labor share decline and intellectual property products capital
D Koh, R Santaeulàlia‐Llopis, Y Zheng
Econometrica 88 (6), 2609-2628, 2020
The price of growth: consumption insurance in China 1989–2009
R Santaeulalia-Llopis, Y Zheng
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 10 (4), 1-35, 2018
The economic value of breaking bad: Misbehavior, schooling and the labor market
NW Papageorge, V Ronda, Y Zheng
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
A model of tournament incentives with corruption
B Wang, Y Zheng
Journal of Comparative Economics 48 (1), 182-197, 2020
Using Subjective Expectations Data to Allow for Unobserved Heterogeneity in Hotz-Miller Estimation Strategies
J Pantano, Y Zheng
Available at SSRN 2129303, 2013
Why is food consumption inequality underestimated? a story of vices and children
R Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Y Zheng
A Story of Vices and Children (May 10, 2017), 2017
Entry barriers and growth: The role of endogenous market structure
H Jiang, Y Zheng, L Zhu
International Economic Review, 2022
The economic consequences of hospitalizations for older workers across countries
C Mommaerts, SH Raza, Y Zheng
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 16, 100213, 2020
The role of education signaling in explaining the growth of the college wage premium
Y Zheng
Macroeconomic Dynamics 23 (3), 1247-1286, 2019
Growing apart: Declining within-and across-locality insurance in rural China
O Attanasio, C Meghir, C Mommaerts, Y Zheng
Journal of Development Economics, 103366, 2024
Innovate to Lead or Innovate to Prevail: When do Monopolistic Rents Induce Growth?
MR Piazza, Y Zheng
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Unequal transition: The widening wealth gap amidst China's rapid growth
Y Jiang, Y Zheng, L Zhu
Working Paper, 2023
Innovate to lead or innovate to prevail: When do monopolistic rents induce growth?
R Piazza, Y Zheng
Economic Theory 76 (3), 867-919, 2023
The Intangible Borrowing Constraint of Entrepreneurship Preliminary and Incomplete
L Allub, A Ferriere, L Franjo, Y Zheng
Growing Apart: Declining Within-and Across-Locality Insurance in Rural China
Y Zheng, O Attanasio, C Meghir, C Mommaerts
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2021
Growing Apart: Declining Within-and Across-Locality Insurance in Rural China Preliminary
O Attanasio, C Meghir, C Mommaerts, Y Zheng
The Economic Value of Breaking Bad: Misbehavior, Schooling and the Labor Market
Y Zheng, N Papageorge
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2019
The economic consequences of hospitalisations for older workers across countries
Y Zheng
Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 2019
Constrained Efficient Entrepreneurship
L Allub, A Ferriere, R Santaeulàlia-Llopis, Y Zheng
LIII Reunión Anual de la Asociación Argentina de Economía Política (La Plata …, 2018
In this section
V Ronda, Y Zheng, N Papageorge
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