Rocio Cañamares
Cited by
Cited by
Should I follow the crowd? A probabilistic analysis of the effectiveness of popularity in recommender systems
R Cañamares, P Castells
The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in …, 2018
Offline evaluation options for recommender systems
R Cañamares, P Castells, A Moffat
Information Retrieval Journal 23 (4), 387-410, 2020
On target item sampling in offline recommender system evaluation
R Cañamares, P Castells
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 259-268, 2020
A probabilistic reformulation of memory-based collaborative filtering: Implications on popularity biases
R Cañamares, P Castells
Proceedings of the 40th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and …, 2017
Multi-armed recommender system bandit ensembles
R Cañamares, M Redondo, P Castells
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 432-436, 2019
Popularity bias in false-positive metrics for recommender systems evaluation
E Mena-Maldonado, R Cañamares, P Castells, Y Ren, M Sanderson
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 39 (3), 1-43, 2021
Agreement and disagreement between true and false-positive metrics in recommender systems evaluation
E Mena-Maldonado, R Cañamares, P Castells, Y Ren, M Sanderson
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
Exploring Social Network Effects on Popularity Biases in Recommender Systems.
R Cañamares, P Castells
RSWeb@ RecSys, 2014
Characterization of fair experiments for recommender system evaluation: A formal analysis
P Castells, R Cañamares
Proc. of the Workshop on Offline Evaluation for Recommender Systems (REVEAL …, 2018
From the PRP to the Low Prior Discovery Recall Principle for Recommender Systems
R Cañamares, P Castells
The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in …, 2018
Characterization of fair experiments for recommender system evaluation: A formal analysis
R Cañamares, P Castells
RecSys wrkshop on offline evaluation of recommender systems (REVEAL), 2018
On the Optimal Non-Personalized Recommendation: From the PRP to the Discovery False Negative Principle
R Cañamares, P Castells
ACM SIGIR Workshop on Axiomatic Thinking for Information Retrieval and …, 2017
An analysis of popularity biases in recommender system evaluation and algorithms
R Cañamares Pérez
Evaluación de la popularidad en los sistemas de recomendación
R Cañamares Pérez
Descubrimiento y propagación de información y preferencias en redes sociales y entornos de recomendación
R Cañamares Pérez
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Articles 1–15