David Lois
David Lois
Associate Professor, Social Psychology, UNED
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The relationship between instrumental, symbolic and affective factors as predictors of car use: A structural equation modeling approach
D Lois, M López-Sáez
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (9-10), 790-799, 2009
Cycle Commuting Intention: A Model Based on Theory of Planned Behaviour and Social Identity
D Lois, JA Moriano, G Rondinella
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 32, 101–113, 2015
Analysis of satisfaction factors at urban transport interchanges: Measuring travellers’ attitudes to information, security and waiting
D Lois, A Monzón, S Hernández
Transport Policy 67, 49-56, 2018
Cycling habits and other psychological variables affecting commuting by bicycle in Madrid, Spain
B Muñoz, A Monzon, D Lois
Transportation research record 2382 (1), 1-9, 2013
Multivariate analysis of fuel consumption related to eco-driving: Interaction of driving patterns and external factors
D Lois, W Wang, A Boggio-Marzet, A Monzón
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 72, 232-242, 2019
Are travellers willing to adopt MaaS? Exploring attitudinal and personality factors in the case of Madrid, Spain
I Lopez-Carreiro, A Monzon, D Lois, ME Lopez-Lambas
Travel Behaviour and Society 25, 246-261, 2021
Psicología de los Grupos
F Molero, D Lois, C García-Ael, Á Gómez
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), 2017
Situational materialism increases climate change scepticism in men compared to women
A Vázquez, A Larzabal-Fernández, D Lois
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 96 (104163), 2021
Qualitative analysis on cycle commuting in two cities with different cycling environments and policies
D Lois, M López-Sáez, G Rondinella
Universitas Psychologica 15 (2), 173-192, 2016
Prejudice against members of a ridiculed working‐class group
A Vázquez, D Lois
British Journal of Social Psychology 59, 992-1017, 2020
Effect of health-promoting messages in television food commercials on adolescents’ attitudes and consumption: A randomized intervention study
C Fernández-Escobar, DX Monroy-Parada, EO Castillo, D Lois, ...
Appetite 158, 105014, 2021
Influence on the choice of transportation mode of travel time variability, personal benefits, and environmental damage from cars versus public transportation
M López-Sáez, L David, JF Morales
Anales de psicología 32 (2), 555, 2016
Actitudes hacia modos de transporte urbano: aspectos expresivos y afectivos
D Lois
Madrid: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia 89, 2008
Positive contact with working-class people reduces personal contribution to inequality
A Vázquez, P Sayans-Jiménez, L López-Rodríguez, D Lois, H Zagefka
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 26 (6), 1223-1243, 2023
More than ideology: perceived unfairness differentiates supporters of a new anti-austerity party from supporters of traditional left-wing parties/Más que ideología: la …
A Vázquez, D Lois
International Journal of Social Psychology 34 (1), 26-57, 2019
Influential factors in the choice of public transportation or cars as the mode of transportation in habitual commutes/Factores que influyen en la elección del transporte …
M López-Sáez, D Lois, I Fernández, JL Martínez-Rubio
International Journal of Social Psychology 29 (2), 371-399, 2014
Análisis de la conducta de movilidad urbana
M López-Sáez, D Lois
Psicología Social Aplicada, 201-222, 2012
The role of subjective socioeconomic status in predicting academic performance: Exploring the mediating influence of sense of belonging among students in a distance learning …
A Vázquez, B Alba, D Lois, C García-Ael, A Bustillos
The Spanish Journal of Psychology 27, e9, 2024
Exposure to motivational messages promotes meritocratic beliefs and an individualistic perception of social change
A Vázquez, C Reyes Valenzuela, L Villagrán, D Lois
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 19485506231214339, 2023
Los Efectos del Sexo y del Autoritarismo en la Legitimación de los Abusos Policiales
D Méndez, D Lois, A Vázquez
Anuario de psicología jurídica 32 (1), 71-77, 2022
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