Rosario Scandurra
Rosario Scandurra
Altres nomsRosario Ivano Scandurra
Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona School of Management
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Citada per
Residential segregation and school segregation of foreign students in Barcelona
X Bonal, A Zancajo, R Scandurra
Urban Studies, 2019
Challenges to the implementation of dual apprenticenships in OECD countries: A literature review
O Valiente, R Scandurra
Vocational education and training in times of economic crisis: Lessons from …, 2017
School to work outcomes during the Great Recession, is the regional scale relevant for young people's life chances?
R Scandurra, R Cefalo, Y Kazepov
Journal of Youth Studies, 2020
Impacto social del consumo abusivo de alcohol en el estado Español: consumo, coste y políticas
R Ivano Scandurra, A García-Altés, M Nebot
Revista Española de Salud Pública 85, 141-147, 2011
Student mobility and school segregation in an (un) controlled choice system: A counterfactual approach
X Bonal, A Zancajo, R Scandurra
British Educational Research Journal 47 (1), 42-64, 2021
Youth labor market integration in European regions
R Cefalo, R Scandurra, Y Kazepov
Sustainability 12 (9), 3813, 2020
Drivers of Youth Labour Market Integration Across European Regions
R Scandurra, R Cefalo, Y Kazepov
Social Indicators Research, 1-22, 2021
Intergenerational money and time transfers by gender in Spain: Who are the actual dependents?
E Rentería, R Scandurra, G Souto, C Patxot
Demographic Research 34, 689-704, 2016
Modelling adult skills in OECD countries
R Scandurra, J Calero
British Educational Research Journal 43 (4), 781-804, 2017
Territorial disparities in youth labour market chances in Europe
R Cefalo, R Scandurra
Regional Studies, Regional Science 8 (1), 228-238, 2021
Un model de formació professional dual per a Catalunya?
R Scandurra
Is the distribution of NEETs and early leavers from education and training converging across the regions of the European Union?
X Rambla, R Scandurra
European Societies 23 (5), 563-589, 2021
How are adult skills configured?
R Scandurra, J Calero
International Journal of Educational Research, 2019
Equidad y educación en España. Diagnóstico y prioridades
X Bonal, R Scandurra
Barcelona: Oxfam Intermon, 2019
Opting out of neighbourhood schools: The role of local education markets in student mobility
R Scandurra, A Zancajo, X Bonal
Population, Space and Place 28 (5), e2542, 2022
Will the regional concentration of tertiary education persist? The case of Europe in a period of rising participation
K Hermannsson, R Scandurra, M Graziano
Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2019
Exploring the linkages between education sector governance, inequity, conflict, and peacebuilding in Kenya
A Smith, C Marks, M Novelli, O Valiente, R Scandurra
University of Sussex, 2016
Assessing young adults’ living conditions across Europe using harmonised quantitative indicators: opportunities and risks for policy makers
R Scandurra, K Hermannsson, R Cefalo
Lifelong learning policies for young adults in Europe: Navigating between …, 2020
La persistente influencia del origen social sobre la desigualdad de resultados. Una aproximación multinivel a partir de PISA 2009.
R Scandurra
RASE: Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación 6 (3), 2013
Do employability programmes in higher education improve skills and labour market outcomes? A systematic review of academic literature
R Scandurra, D Kelly, S Fusaro, R Cefalo, K Hermannsson
Studies in Higher Education, 1-16, 2024
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Articles 1–20