Sara Villagrá-Sobrino
Sara Villagrá-Sobrino
Assistant professor. University of Valladolid. College of Education and Social Work.GSIC-EMIC, CETIE
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Cited by
Impacts of digital technologies on education and factors influencing schools' digital capacity and transformation: A literature review
S Timotheou, O Miliou, Y Dimitriadis, SV Sobrino, N Giannoutsou, ...
Education and information technologies 28 (6), 6695-6726, 2023
Towards teaching as design: Exploring the interplay between full-lifecycle learning design tooling and teacher professional development
JI Asensio-Pérez, Y Dimitriadis, F Pozzi, D Hernández-Leo, LP Prieto, ...
Computers & Education 114, 92-116, 2017
Recurrent routines: Analyzing and supporting orchestration in technology-enhanced primary classrooms
LP Prieto, S Villagrá-Sobrino, IM Jorrín-Abellán, A Martínez-Monés, ...
Computers & Education 57 (1), 1214-1227, 2011
Learning analytics in small-scale teacher-led innovations: Ethical and data privacy issues.
MJ Rodríguez-Triana, A Martínez-Monés, S Villagrá-Sobrino
Journal of Learning Analytics 3 (1), 43-65, 2016
Supporting online collaborative design for teacher professional development
VI Marín, JI Asensio-Pérez, S Villagrá-Sobrino, D Hernández-Leo, ...
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 27 (5), 571-587, 2018
Wikis y aprendizaje colaborativo: lecciones aprendidas (y por aprender) en la facultad de educación
R Anguita, S García, S Villagrá, I Jorrín
Red U-Revista de Docencia Universitaria. Número Monográfico V, 2009
Exploring the problems experienced by learners in a MOOC implementing active learning pedagogies
P Topali, A Ortega-Arranz, E Er, A Martínez-Monés, SL Villagrá-Sobrino, ...
Digital Education: At the MOOC Crossroads Where the Interests of Academia …, 2019
Desarrollo profesional del profesorado centrado en el uso de rutinas de diseño y prácticas colaborativas con TIC en Educación Primaria
SL Villagrá Sobrino
“Houston, we have a problem”: Revealing MOOC practitioners' experiences regarding feedback provision to learners facing difficulties
P Topali, A Ortega‐Arranz, A Martínez‐Monés, SL Villagrá‐Sobrino
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29 (4), 769-785, 2021
CSCL and innovation: In classrooms, with teachers, among school leaders, in schools of education
J Roschelle, C Patton, P Schank, W Penuel, CK Looi, W Chen, A Chan, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Lo que el ojo no ve: un estudio de caso basado en procesos de indagación co (wiki) laborativos
IMJ Abellán, RA Martínez, BR Avi, IR Requies, S Villagrá, Y Dimitriadis, ...
RIED-Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 10 (2), 75-96, 2007
Recurrent routines in the classroom madness: pushing patterns past the design phase
LP Prieto, S Villagrá-Sobrino, Y Dimitriadis, IM Jorrín-Abellán, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networked Learning, 499-507, 2010
City Ads: Embedding Virtual Worlds and Augmented Reality in Everyday Educational Practice.
JA Muñoz-Cristóbal, A Martínez-Monés, JI Asensio-Pérez, ...
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 20 (12), 1670-1689, 2014
Gauging Teachers’ Needs with Regard to Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) of 21st Century Skills in the Classroom
E Rusman, A Martínez-Monés, J Boon, MJ Rodríguez-Triana, ...
Computer Assisted Assessment. Research into E-Assessment: International …, 2014
Orchestrating CSCL in primary classrooms: One vision of orchestration and the role of routines
LP Prieto, Y Dimitriadis, S Villagrá-Sobrino, IM Jorrín-Abellán, ...
workshop" How to integrate CSCL in classroom life: Orchestration", 9th …, 2011
The INTELed pedagogical framework: Applying embodied digital apps to support special education children in inclusive educational contexts
A Martínez-Monés, S Villagrá-Sobrino, Y Georgiou, A Ioannou, MJ Ruiz
Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction …, 2019
Mind the gaps: Using patterns to change everyday classroom practice towards contingent CSCL teaching
LP Prieto, S Villagra-Sobrino, Y Dimitriadis, P Schank, W Penuel, ...
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2011
Alfabetización climática en la formación inicial y continua de docentes
ML Pérez, SLV Sobrino
Uni-pluriversidad 20 (1), 81-99, 2020
La teoría de inteligencias múltiples aplicada a la educación ambiental en escenarios inclusivos
M Lopera Pérez, LE Díaz Posada, S Villagrá Sobrino, E Charro, ...
Enseñanza de las Ciencias 37 (3), 0189-207, 2019
Toward multimodal analytics in ubiquitous learning environments
JA Muñoz Cristóbal, MJ Rodríguez Triana, ML Bote Lorenzo, ...
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2017
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Articles 1–20