Professor of Biology. Santiago de Compostela University
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Determinant parameters and components in the storage of virgin olive oil. Prediction of storage time beyond which the oil is no longer of “extra” quality
F Gutiérrez, JL Fernández
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (3), 571-577, 2002
Anatomical and biochemical events duringin vitrorooting of microcuttings from juvenile and mature phases of chestnut
A Ballester, MC SAN-JOSÉ, N Vidal, JL Fernández-Lorenzo, AM Vieitez
Annals of Botany 83 (6), 619-629, 1999
Agroforestry for high value tree systems in Europe
A Pantera, PJ Burgess, R Mosquera Losada, G Moreno, ML López-Díaz, ...
Agroforestry Systems 92, 945-959, 2018
Extent and success of current policy measures to promote agroforestry across Europe
MR Mosquera-Losada, JJ Santiago Freijanes, A Pisanelli, M Rois, J Smith, ...
AGFORWARD European Project Policy Report: Bruxelles, Belgium, 2016
Agroforestry in the European common agricultural policy
MR Mosquera-Losada, JJ SAnTiAgo-FreiJAnes, A PisAnelli, M Rois-Díaz, ...
Agroforestry systems 92, 1117-1127, 2018
Polyphenols as potential markers to differentiate juvenile and mature chestnut shoot cultures
JL Fernandez-Lorenzo, A Rigueiro, A Ballester
Tree Physiology 19 (7), 461-466, 1999
Erosion and accretion of beach and spit systems in Northwest Spain: a response to human activity
F Lorenzo, A Alonso, JL Pagés
Journal of Coastal Research 23 (4), 834-845, 2007
Historical analysis of heavy metal pollution in three estuaries on the north coast of Galicia (NW Spain)
F Lorenzo, A Alonso, MJ Pellicer, JL Pagés, M Pérez-Arlucea
Environmental geology 52, 789-802, 2007
Phenolic content of microcuttings of adult chestnut along rooting induction
JL Fernández-Lorenzo, A Ballester, A Rigueiro
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 83, 153-159, 2005
Policy challenges for agroforestry implementation in Europe
MR Mosquera-Losada, MGS Santos, B Gonçalves, N Ferreiro-Domínguez, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6, 1127601, 2023
Reinvigoration of mature Castanea sativa by serial micrografting onto a juvenile clone
JL Fernández-Lorenzo, MJ Fernández-López
III International Chestnut Congress 693, 293-298, 2004
Reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide and plant cell death associated with caspase-like protease activity during somatic embryogenesis in Fraxinus mandshurica
H Wang, D Zhang, JL Fernández-Lorenzo, H Shen, L Yang
Journal of Forestry Research 33 (3), 1005-1017, 2022
Dinámica litoral y erosión en la ría de El Barquero: factores antrópicos y procesos naturales
Á Alonso Millán, F Lorenzo
Sociedad Geológica de España, 2000
In vivo serial micrografting of Castanea sativa in short cycles
JL Fernández-Lorenzo, S Crecente-Campo
I European Congress on Chestnut-Castanea 2009 866, 291-296, 2009
Micropropagation of a selected rootstock of Acer palmatum
JL Fernández-Lorenzo, MI Iglesias-Díaz, O Gutiérrez-Araujo
XIVth International Symposium on Horticultural Economics 536, 347-354, 2000
Deliverable 8.24: how can policy support the appropriate development and uptake of agroforestry in Europe? September 2017. 21 pp
MR Mosquera-Losada, JJ Santiago Freijanes, A Pisanelli, M Rois, J Smith, ...
URL: https://agforward. eu/index. php/en/how-can-policy-support-the-uptake …, 2017
How can policy support the uptake of agroforestry in Europe
MR Mosquera-Losada, JJ Santiago-Freijanes, A Pisanelli, M Rois-Díaz, ...
Agforward Project, 2017
San-Jose ́
A Ballester, RX y Planes
MC, Vidal, N., Fernandez-Lorenzo, JL and Vieitez, AM, 619-629, 1999
European agroforestry policy promotion in arable Mediterranean areas
MR Mosquera-Losada, FJ Rodríguez-Rigueiro, JJ Santiago-Freijanes, ...
Land Use Policy 120, 106274, 2022
Injerto en serie" acelerado" de Quercus robur adulto
FC Campo, JLF Lorenzo
Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 45-50, 2008
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20