Miguel Ángel Campano Laborda
Miguel Ángel Campano Laborda
Tenured Associate Professor, Universidad de Sevilla
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Cited by
Window design in architecture: Analysis of energy savings for lighting and visual comfort in residential spaces
I Acosta, MA Campano, JF Molina
Applied Energy 168, 493-506, 2016
Analysis of daylight factors and energy saving allowed by windows under overcast sky conditions
I Acosta, C Muñoz, MA Campano, J Navarro
Renewable Energy 77, 194-207, 2015
Daylighting design for healthy environments: Analysis of educational spaces for optimal circadian stimulus
I Acosta, MÁ Campano, R Leslie, L Radetsky
Solar Energy 193, 584-596, 2019
Impact of daylight saving time on lighting energy consumption and on the biological clock for occupants in office buildings
L Bellia, I Acosta, MÁ Campano, F Fragliasso
Solar Energy 211, 1347-1364, 2020
CO2 Concentration and Occupants’ Symptoms in Naturally Ventilated Schools in Mediterranean Climate
J Fernández-Agüera, MÁ Campano, S Domínguez-Amarillo, I Acosta, ...
Buildings 9 (9), 197, 2019
Minimum daylight autonomy: a new concept to link daylight dynamic metrics with daylight factors
I Acosta, MÁ Campano, S Domínguez, J Fernández-Agüera
Leukos, 2019
Design and Performance of Test Cells as an Energy Evaluation Model of Facades in a Mediterranean Building Area
AL León-Rodríguez, R Suárez, P Bustamante, MA Campano, ...
Energies 10 (11), 1816, 2017
Assessment of indoor air quality and risk of COVID-19 infection in Spanish secondary school and university classrooms
D Rodríguez, IR Urbieta, Á Velasco, MÁ Campano-Laborda, E Jiménez
Building and Environment 226, 109717, 2022
Dynamic daylight metrics for electricity savings in offices: Window size and climate smart lighting management
I Acosta, MÁ Campano, S Domínguez-Amarillo, C Muñoz
Energies 11 (11), 3143, 2018
The assessment of environmental conditioning techniques and their energy performance in historic churches located in Mediterranean climate
CM Muñoz-González, ÁL León-Rodríguez, MÁ Campano-Laborda, ...
Journal of Cultural Heritage, 9, 2018
Reducing the Energy Demand of Multi-Dwelling Units in a Mediterranean Climate Using Solar Protection Elements
AL León, S Domínguez, MA Campano, C Ramírez-Balas
Energies 5 (9), 3398-3424, 2012
Thermal perception in mild climate: Adaptive thermal models for schools
MÁ Campano, S Domínguez-Amarillo, J Fernández-Agüera, JJ Sendra
Sustainability 11 (14), 3948, 2019
Validation of lighting parametric workflow tools of Ladybug and Solemma using CIE test cases
MT Aguilar-Carrasco, J Díaz-Borrego, I Acosta, MÁ Campano, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 64, 105608, 2023
Indoor comfort and symptomatology in non-university educational buildings: Occupants’ perception
MÁ Campano-Laborda, S Domínguez-Amarillo, J Fernández-Agüera, ...
Atmosphere 11 (4), 357, 2020
Dynamic analysis of office lighting smart controls management based on user requirements
MÁ Campano, I Acosta, S Domínguez, R López-Lovillo
Automation in Construction 133, 104021, 2022
Economic assessments of passive thermal rehabilitations of dwellings in Mediterranean climate
J Santamaría, S Girón, MA Campano
Energy and Buildings 128, 772-784, 2016
Towards finding the optimal location of a ventilation inlet in a roof monitor skylight, using visual and thermal performance criteria, for dwellings in a Mediterranean climate
MÁC Laborda, IA García, JFA Escudero, JJ Sendra
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 8 (4), 226-238, 2015
Confort térmico y eficiencia energética en espacios con alta carga interna climatizados: Aplicación a espacios docentes no universitarios en Andalucía
MÁ Campano
Universidad de Sevilla, 2015
Effect of airtightness on thermal loads in legacy low-income housing
S Domínguez-Amarillo, J Fernández-Agüera, MÁ Campano, I Acosta
Energies 12 (9), 1677, 2019
Analysis of energy savings and visual comfort produced by the proper use of windows
I Acosta, MA Campano, JF Molina
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 8 (5), 358-365, 2016
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Articles 1–20