Leandro del Moral Ituarte
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Cited by
Recent developments in Spanish water policy. Alternatives and conflicts at the end of the hydraulic age
D Saurı́, L Del Moral
Geoforum 32 (3), 351-362, 2001
Participative multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of water governance alternatives. A case in the Costa del Sol (Málaga)
PP Salgado, SC Quintana, AG Pereira, L del Moral Ituarte, BP Mateos
Ecological economics 68 (4), 990-1005, 2009
Participatory methods for water resources planning
G Kallis, N Videira, P Antunes, ÂG Pereira, CL Spash, H Coccossis, ...
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 24 (2), 215-234, 2006
Developing markets for water reallocation: Revisiting the experience of Spanish water mercantilización
N Hernández-Mora, L Del Moral
Geoforum 62, 143-155, 2015
Nuevos planteamientos científicos y participación ciudadana en la resolución de conflictos ambientales
L del Moral Ituarte, BP Mateos
Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica, 121-134, 2002
River basins as social-ecological systems: Linking levels of societal and ecosystem water metabolism in a semiarid watershed
V Cabello, BA Willaarts, M Aguilar, L del Moral Ituarte
Ecology and Society 20 (3), 2015
Interbasin water transfers in Spain: Interregional conflicts and governance responses
N Hernández-Mora, L del Moral Ituarte, F La-Roca, A La Calle, G Schmidt
Globalized water: A question of governance, 175-194, 2014
Constraints to drought contingency planning in Spain: The hydraulic paradigm and the case of Seville
L del Moral Ituarte, C Giansante
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 8 (2), 93-102, 2000
Networked water citizen organizations in Spain: Potential for transformation of existing power structures in water management
N Hernández-Mora, V Cabello, L De Stefano, L Del Moral
Water Alternatives 8 (2), 2015
La obra hidráulica en la cuenca baja del guadalquivir, siglos XVIII-XX: gestión del agua y organización del territorio
L del Moral Ituarte
Universidad de Sevilla, 2018
Nuevas tendencias en gestión del agua, ordenación del territorio e integración de políticas sectoriales
L Moral Ituarte
Scripta Nova: Revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, 13 (285), 2009
Information and knowledge for water governance in the networked society.
B Pedregal, V Cabello, N Hernandez-Mora, N Limones, L Del Moral
Water Alternatives 8 (2), 2015
Global trends and water policy in Spain
L del Moral, P van der Werff, K Bakker, J Handmer
Water International 28 (3), 358-366, 2003
Water governance and scalar politics across multiple-boundary river basins: states, catchments and regional powers in the Iberian Peninsula
L Del Moral, A Do Ó
Water International 39 (3), 333-347, 2014
Institutional adaptation to changing risk of water scarcity in the lower Guadalquivir Basin
C Giansante, M Aguilar, L Babiano, A Garrido, A Gomez, E Iglesias, ...
Natural Resources Journal, 521-563, 2002
El agua en la organización del espacio urbano: el caso de Sevilla y el Guadalquivir
L del Moral Ituarte
Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica, 117-127, 1997
The role of the Water Framework Directive in the controversial transition of water policy paradigms in Spain and Portugal
J Martínez-Fernández, S Neto, N Hernández-Mora, L Moral Ituarte, ...
Water Alternatives, 13 (3), 1-26., 2020
Changing course: water policy in Spain
L Del Moral, D Saurí
Environment 41 (6), 12, 1999
Planification hydrologique et politique territoriale en Espagne
L del Moral
Hérodote 102 (3), 87-112, 2001
Crisi del capitalisme global, desenvolupament i medi ambient.
L del Moral Ituarte
Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 59 (1), 77-103, 2013
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Articles 1–20