Joaquín Morís
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Words are not enough: nonword repetition as an indicator of arcuate fasciculus integrity during brain tumor resection
J Sierpowska, A Gabarros, A Fernandez-Coello, A Camins, S Castaner, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery 126 (2), 435-445, 2017
Electrophysiological correlates of anticipating improbable but desired events
L Fuentemilla, D Cucurell, J Marco-Pallarés, M Guitart-Masip, J Morís, ...
NeuroImage 78, 135-144, 2013
Learning‐induced modulations of the stimulus‐preceding negativity
J Morís, D Luque, A Rodríguez‐Fornells
Psychophysiology 50 (9), 931-939, 2013
Targeted memory reactivation during sleep adaptively promotes the strengthening or weakening of overlapping memories
JP Oyarzún, J Morís, D Luque, R de Diego-Balaguer, L Fuentemilla
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (32), 7748-7758, 2017
Evaluación de la personalidad eficaz en contextos educativos: primeros resultados
F Martín del Buey, A Fernández Zapico, J Morís, R Marcone Trigo, ...
Revista de Orientación Educacional 33 (34), 79-102, 2004
Electrophysiological correlates of semantic anticipation during speech comprehension
P León-Cabrera, A Rodríguez-Fornells, J Morís
Neuropsychologia 99, 326-334, 2017
Ahead of time: Early sentence slow cortical modulations associated to semantic prediction
P León-Cabrera, A Flores, A Rodríguez-Fornells, J Morís
NeuroImage 189, 192-201, 2019
Differences between individualist and collectivist cultures in emotional Facebook usage: Relationship with empathy, self-esteem, and narcissism
JM Errasti Pérez, I Amigo Vázquez, JM Villadangos Fernández, ...
Psicothema, 30, 2018
Associative Repetition Priming as a Measure of Human Contingency Learning: Evidence of Forward and Backward Blocking.
J Morís, PL Cobos, D Luque, FJ López
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143, 77 - 93, 2014
Goal‐directed EEG activity evoked by discriminative stimuli in reinforcement learning
D Luque, J Morís, JA Rushby, ME Le Pelley
Psychophysiology 52 (2), 238-248, 2015
Estimating utility values for health status using the Spanish version of the SF-36. Validity of the SF-6D index vs EQ-5D].
P Rebollo, J Morís, T Ortega, C Valdés, F Ortega
Medicina clínica 128 (14), 536, 2007
Associative learning phenomena in the snail (Helix aspersa): Conditioned inhibition
F Acebes, P Solar, J Moris, I Loy
Learning & behavior 40 (1), 34-41, 2012
Alpha power decreases associated with prediction in written and spoken sentence comprehension
P León-Cabrera, V Piai, J Morís, A Rodríguez-Fornells
Neuropsychologia 173, 108286, 2022
Bayesian methods for addressing long-standing problems in associative learning: The case of PREE
F Blanco, J Moris
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (9), 1844–1859, 2018
Interference between outcomes, spontaneous recovery, and context effects as measured by a cued response reaction time task: Evidence for associative retrieval models.
E González-Martín, PL Cobos, J Morís, FJ López
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes 38 (4), 419-432, 2012
Interference between cues of the same outcome in a non-causally framed scenario
D Luque, J Morís, PL Cobos, FJ López
Behavioural processes 81 (2), 328-332, 2009
A SAS/IML program for implementing the modified Brown–Forsythe procedure in repeated measures designs
G Vallejo, J Moris, NM Conejo
computer methods and programs in biomedicine 83 (3), 169-177, 2006
Dependent measure and time constraints modulate the competition between conflicting feature-based and rule-based generalization processes.
PL Cobos, MJ Gutiérrez-Cobo, J Morís, D Luque
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (4 …, 2017
Slower reacquisition after partial extinction in human contingency learning.
J Morís, I Barberia, MA Vadillo, A Andrades, FJ López
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (1), 81, 2017
La toma de decisiones como proceso psicológico general: la supuesta excepción de la psicología experimental del condicionamiento
IL Madera, SC Sierra, FA Andreu, PS Peña, IÁ Bernardo, JM Fernández
Revista de Historia de la Psicología 30 (2-3), 195-206, 2009
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20