Sergio Faci Lázaro
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Cited by
Impact of targeted attack on the spontaneous activity in spatial and biologically-inspired neuronal networks
S Faci-Lázaro, J Soriano, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (8), 2019
Emergence of explosive synchronization bombs in networks of oscillators
L Arola-Fernández, S Faci-Lázaro, PS Skardal, EC Boghiu, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 264, 2022
Noise-driven amplification mechanisms governing the emergence of coherent extreme events in excitable systems
L Hernández-Navarro, S Faci-Lázaro, JG Orlandi, U Feudel, ...
Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023133, 2021
Mean-field nature of synchronization stability in networks with multiple interaction layers
CI Del Genio, S Faci-Lázaro, J Gómez-Gardeñes, S Boccaletti
Communications Physics 5 (1), 121, 2022
Dynamical robustness of collective neuronal activity upon targeted damage in interdependent networks
S Faci-Lázaro, T Lor, G Ródenas, JJ Mazo, J Soriano, J Gómez-Gardeñes
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 231 (3), 195-201, 2022
Dynamical and topological conditions triggering the spontaneous activation of izhikevich neuronal networks
S Faci-Lázaro, J Soriano, JJ Mazo, J Gómez-Gardeñes
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 172, 113547, 2023
Real-time hardware emulation of neural cultures: A comparative study of in vitro, in silico and in duris silico models
B Vallejo-Mancero, S Faci-Lázaro, M Zapata, J Soriano, J Madrenas
Neural Networks 179, 106593, 2024
Self-organized explosive synchronization in complex networks: Emergence of synchronization bombs
L Arola-Fernández, S Faci-Lázaro, PS Skardal, EC Boghiu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03728, 2022
Sincronización y dinámica no lineal en redes de neuronas modulares multicapa
S Faci Lázaro, J Gómez Gardeñes, JJ Mazo Torres
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Articles 1–9