Choong Seon Hong, FIEEE
Choong Seon Hong, FIEEE
School of Computing, Kyung Hee University
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Federated learning over wireless networks: Optimization model design and analysis
NH Tran, W Bao, A Zomaya, MNH Nguyen, CS Hong
IEEE INFOCOM 2019-IEEE conference on computer communications, 1387-1395, 2019
Energy efficient federated learning over wireless communication networks
Z Yang, M Chen, W Saad, CS Hong, M Shikh-Bahaei
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (3), 1935-1949, 2020
Security in wireless sensor networks: issues and challenges
ASK Pathan, HW Lee, CS Hong
2006 8th International Conference Advanced Communication Technology 2, 6 pp …, 2006
Caching in the sky: Proactive deployment of cache-enabled unmanned aerial vehicles for optimized quality-of-experience
M Chen, M Mozaffari, W Saad, C Yin, M Debbah, CS Hong
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 35 (5), 1046-1061, 2017
Federated learning for internet of things: Recent advances, taxonomy, and open challenges
LU Khan, W Saad, Z Han, E Hossain, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (3), 1759-1799, 2021
Federated learning for edge networks: Resource optimization and incentive mechanism
LU Khan, SR Pandey, NH Tran, W Saad, Z Han, MNH Nguyen, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (10), 88-93, 2020
Federated learning over wireless networks: Convergence analysis and resource allocation
CT Dinh, NH Tran, MNH Nguyen, CS Hong, W Bao, AY Zomaya, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 29 (1), 398-409, 2020
Edge-computing-enabled smart cities: A comprehensive survey
LU Khan, I Yaqoob, NH Tran, SMA Kazmi, TN Dang, CS Hong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (10), 10200-10232, 2020
Digital-twin-enabled 6G: Vision, architectural trends, and future directions
LU Khan, W Saad, D Niyato, Z Han, CS Hong
IEEE Communications Magazine 60 (1), 74-80, 2022
Internet of things forensics: Recent advances, taxonomy, requirements, and open challenges
I Yaqoob, IAT Hashem, A Ahmed, SMA Kazmi, CS Hong
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 265-275, 2019
6G wireless systems: A vision, architectural elements, and future directions
LU Khan, I Yaqoob, M Imran, Z Han, CS Hong
IEEE access 8, 147029-147044, 2020
Faster segment anything: Towards lightweight sam for mobile applications
C Zhang, D Han, Y Qiao, JU Kim, SH Bae, S Lee, CS Hong
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.14289, 2023
Game theory for cyber security and privacy
CT Do, NH Tran, C Hong, CA Kamhoua, KA Kwiat, E Blasch, S Ren, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (2), 1-37, 2017
Autonomous driving cars in smart cities: Recent advances, requirements, and challenges
I Yaqoob, LU Khan, SMA Kazmi, M Imran, N Guizani, CS Hong
IEEE Network 34 (1), 174-181, 2019
A crowdsourcing framework for on-device federated learning
SR Pandey, NH Tran, M Bennis, YK Tun, A Manzoor, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (5), 3241-3256, 2020
Intelligent resource slicing for eMBB and URLLC coexistence in 5G and beyond: A deep reinforcement learning based approach
M Alsenwi, NH Tran, M Bennis, SR Pandey, AK Bairagi, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (7), 4585-4600, 2021
Blockchain for IoT-based smart cities: Recent advances, requirements, and future challenges
U Majeed, LU Khan, I Yaqoob, SMA Kazmi, K Salah, CS Hong
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 181, 103007, 2021
Traffic-aware and energy-efficient vNF placement for service chaining: Joint sampling and matching approach
C Pham, NH Tran, S Ren, W Saad, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 13 (1), 172-185, 2017
Joint communication, computation, caching, and control in big data multi-access edge computing
A Ndikumana, NH Tran, TM Ho, Z Han, W Saad, D Niyato, CS Hong
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (6), 1359-1374, 2019
eMBB-URLLC resource slicing: A risk-sensitive approach
M Alsenwi, NH Tran, M Bennis, AK Bairagi, CS Hong
IEEE communications letters 23 (4), 740-743, 2019
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