Sebastien Incerti
Sebastien Incerti
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Geant4 developments and applications
J Allison, K Amako, J Apostolakis, H Araujo, PA Dubois, M Asai, ...
Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on 53 (1), 270-278, 2006
Recent developments in Geant4
J Allison, K Amako, J Apostolakis, P Arce, M Asai, T Aso, E Bagli, ...
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Precision Determination of the Neutron Spin Structure Function
K Abe, T Akagi, BD Anderson, PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, ...
Physical Review Letters 79 (1), 26, 1997
Basic instrumentation for hall a at jefferson lab
J Alcorn, BD Anderson, KA Aniol, JRM Annand, L Auerbach, J Arrington, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2004
Comparison of GEANT4 very low energy cross section models with experimental data in water.
S Incerti, A Ivanchenko, M Karamitros, A Mantero, P Moretto, HN Tran, ...
Medical physics 37 (9), 4692, 2010
The geant4-dna project
S Incerti, G Baldacchino, M Bernal, R Capra, C Champion, Z Francis, ...
International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 1 …, 2010
Track structure modeling in liquid water: A review of the Geant4-DNA very low energy extension of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit
MA Bernal, MC Bordage, JMC Brown, M Davídková, E Delage, Z El Bitar, ...
Physica Medica 31 (8), 861-874, 2015
Measurements of the Q2-dependence of the proton and neutron spin structure functions g1p and g1n
PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, MC Berisso, H Borel, ...
Physics Letters B 493 (1-2), 19-28, 2000
Geant4‐DNA example applications for track structure simulations in liquid water: a report from the Geant4‐DNA Project
S Incerti, I Kyriakou, MA Bernal, MC Bordage, Z Francis, S Guatelli, ...
Medical physics 45 (8), e722-e739, 2018
Parity-violating electroweak asymmetry in e [over ⃗] p scattering
KA Aniol, DS Armstrong, T Averett, M Baylac, E Burtin, J Calarco, ...
Physical Review C 69 (6), 065501, 2004
Transverse Asymmetry A_ {T^{′}} from the Quasielastic^{3} He [over→](e [over→], e^{′}) Process and the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor
W Xu, D Dutta, F Xiong, B Anderson, L Auberbach, T Averett, W Bertozzi, ...
Physical Review Letters 85 (14), 2900-2904, 2000
Measurement of the neutral weak form factors of the proton
KA Aniol, DS Armstrong, M Baylac, E Burtin, J Calarco, GD Cates, ...
Physical Review Letters 82 (6), 1096-1100, 1999
Next-to-leading order QCD analysis of polarized deep inelastic scattering data
K Abe, T Akagi, BD Anderson, PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, ...
Physics Letters B 405 (1-2), 180-190, 1997
Measurement of the proton and deuteron spin structure functions g2 and asymmetry A2
PL Anthony, RG Arnold, T Averett, HR Band, MC Berisso, H Borel, ...
Physics Letters B 458 (4), 529-535, 1999
New measurement of parity violation in elastic electron–proton scattering and implications for strange form factors
KA Aniol, DS Armstrong, T Averett, M Baylac, E Burtin, J Calarco, ...
Physics Letters B 509 (3), 211-216, 2001
TOPAS-nBio: an extension to the TOPAS simulation toolkit for cellular and sub-cellular radiobiology
J Schuemann, AL McNamara, J Ramos-Méndez, J Perl, KD Held, ...
Radiation research 191 (2), 125-138, 2019
Q^{2} Evolution of the Generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Integral for the Neutron using a^{3} He Target
M Amarian, L Auerbach, T Averett, J Berthot, P Bertin, W Bertozzi, T Black, ...
Physical review letters 89 (24), 242301, 2002
Measurement of the crab flux above 60 GeV with the celeste cerenkov telescope
M De Naurois, J Holder, R Bazer-Bachi, H Bergeret, P Bruel, A Cordier, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 566 (1), 343, 2008
Q^{2} Evolution of the Neutron Spin Structure Moments using a^{3} He Target
M Amarian, L Auerbach, T Averett, J Berthot, P Bertin, B Bertozzi, T Black, ...
Physical review letters 92 (2), 22301, 2004
Physics reference manual
Geant4 Collaboration, Geant4 Collaboration
Version geant4 10, 2016
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20