Pedro L Rodriguez
Pedro L Rodriguez
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Cited by
Word embeddings: What works, what doesn’t, and how to tell the difference for applied research
PL Rodriguez, A Spirling
The Journal of Politics 84 (1), 101-115, 2022
Taking the easy way out: How the GED testing program induces students to drop out
JJ Heckman, JE Humphries, PA LaFontaine, PL Rodriguez
Journal of labor economics 30 (3), 495-520, 2012
Embedding regression: Models for context-specific description and inference
PL Rodriguez, A Spirling, BM Stewart
American Political Science Review 117 (4), 1255-1274, 2023
Direct distribution of oil revenues in Venezuela: A viable alternative?
PL Rodríguez, J Morales, F Monaldi Marturet
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2012
From chatter to action: how social networks inform and motivate in rural Uganda
JM Larson, JI Lewis, PL Rodriguez
British Journal of Political Science 52 (4), 1769-1789, 2022
Shared neural representations and temporal segmentation of political content predict ideological similarity
D de Bruin, JM van Baar, PL Rodríguez, O FeldmanHall
Science advances 9 (5), eabq5920, 2023
Backsliding by surprise: the rise of Chavismo
D Kronick, B Plunkett, PL Rodriguez
Political Science Research and Methods 11 (4), 838-854, 2023
Partisan Representations: Partisan Differences in Semantic Representations and their Role in Attitude Judgements
DJ Halpern, PLK Rodriguez
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 40, 2018
El petróleo como instrumento de progreso: una nueva relación ciudadano-estado-petróleo
PLR Sosa, LRR Pardo
Ediciones IESA, 2017
What works, what doesn’t, and how to tell the difference for applied research
A Spirling, PL Rodriguez
URL: https://www. nyu. edu/projects/spirling/documents/embed. pdf, 2019
Multilanguage word embeddings for social scientists: estimation, inference and validation resources for 157 languages
P Rodriguez, A Spirling, BM Stewart, EM Wirsching
Working paper, 2023
The risk of aggregating networks when diffusion is tie-specific
JM Larson, PL Rodriguez
Applied Network Science 8 (1), 21, 2023
Sometimes less is more: When aggregating networks masks effects
JM Larson, PL Rodríguez
International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, 214-223, 2022
Word Embeddings
A Spirling, P Rodriguez
Working paper, 2019
Comparing models of semantic search in concrete and abstract categories
D Halpern, PL Rodriguez
PsyArXiv, 2018
Measuring Distances in High Dimensional Spaces: Why Average Group Vector Comparisons Exhibit Bias, And What to Do About it
B Green, W Hobbs, PL Rodriguez, A Spirling, BM Stewart
OSF, 0
Measuring Distances in High Dimensional Spaces
B Green, W Hobbs, P Rodriguez, A Spirling, BM Stewart
Multilanguage Word Embeddings for Social Scientists: Estimation, Inference and Validation Resources for 157 Languages
EM Wirsching, P Rodriguez, A Spirling, B Stewart
Supplemental Materials: Embedding Regression: Models for Context-Specific
PL Rodriguez, A Spirling, BM Stewart
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Articles 1–19