María del Carmen Pardo Ferreira
María del Carmen Pardo Ferreira
Assistant Professor, University of Málaga
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Cited by
Disposable masks: Disinfection and sterilization for reuse, and non-certified manufacturing, in the face of shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic
JC Rubio-Romero, M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JA Torrecilla-García, ...
Safety science 129, 104830, 2020
Twitter as a tool for the management and analysis of emergency situations: A systematic literature review
M Martínez-Rojas, M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero
International Journal of Information Management 43, 196-208, 2018
Management of legal compliance in occupational health and safety. A literature review
F Salguero-Caparrós, MC Pardo-Ferreira, M Martínez-Rojas, ...
Safety science 121, 111-118, 2020
Using functional resonance analysis method to understand construction activities for concrete structures
M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero, A Gibb, ...
Safety Science 128, 104771, 2020
Work-related road safety: The impact of the low noise levels produced by electric vehicles according to experienced drivers
M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero, FC Galindo-Reyes, ...
Safety science 121, 580-588, 2020
Composite leading indicator to assess the resilience engineering in occupational health & safety in municipal solid waste management companies.
F Rubio-Romero, J.C., Pardo-Ferreira, M.C., De la Varga-Salto, J., & Galindo ...
Safety science 108, 161-172, 2018
Comparative risk assessment of vehicle maintenance activities: Hybrid, battery electric, and hydrogen fuel cell cars
A López-Arquillos, JC Rubio-Romero, M Súarez-Cebador, ...
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 47, 53-60, 2015
Overall introduction to the framework of BIM-based digital twinning in decision-making in safety management in building construction industry
JA Torrecilla García, MC Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero
Analysis of required investigations of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Spain
JA Carrillo-Castrillo, V Pérez-Mira, MC Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (10), 1682, 2019
New risk situations related to low noise from electric vehicles: perception of workers as pedestrians and other vehicle drivers
MC Pardo-Ferreira, JA Torrecilla-García, CL Heras-Rosas, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6701, 2020
Industria 4.0 y transformación digital: nuevas formas de organización del trabajo
JAT García, CP Ferreira, JCR Romero
Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF, 27-54, 2019
Evolution of the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) through the combination with other methods
MC Pardo-Ferreira, M Martínez-Rojas, F Salguero-Caparrós, ...
Dirección y Organización, 41-50, 2019
del, C., Torrecilla-García, JA, Calero-Castro, S., 2020. Disposable masks: disinfection and sterilization for reuse, and non-certified manufacturing, in the face of shortages …
JC Rubio-Romero, M Pardo-Ferreira
Safety Science 129, 104830, 0
Assessment of research, development and innovation in occupational health and safety in Spain
JA Torrecilla-García, M del Carmen Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero, ...
Safety science 141, 105321, 2021
Analysis of occupational accidents during the chainsaws use in Andalucía
AA Lopez-Toro, MC Pardo-Ferreira, M Martinez-Rojas, ...
Safety science 143, 105436, 2021
Assessment of chainsaw operators training in Andalusia (Spain)
MCP Ferreira, FS Caparrós, JAC Castrillo, AIM García, JCR Romero
Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application …, 2022
Occupational safety needs into construction formwork market: Perception of stakeholders
A Lopez-Arquillos, M Pardo-Ferreira, A Gibb, JC Rubio-Romero
Journal of Construction 18 (1), 16-28, 2019
Applying resilience engineering to improve safety management in a construction site: Design and validation of a questionnaire
MC Pardo-Ferreira, JC Rubio-Romero, M Martínez-Rojas
International Journal of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 12 (9 …, 2018
Ergonomic risk management of pruning with chainsaw in the olive sector
MC Pardo-Ferreira, A Zambrana-Ruiz, JA Carrillo-Castrillo, ...
Occupational safety and hygiene VI, 517-522, 2018
Poka-yokes as occupational preventive measures in construction safety. A review
JC Rubio-Romero, M del Carmen Pardo Ferreira, A López-Arquillos
Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors: Proceedings of the AHFE …, 2019
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Articles 1–20