Alexander Stone
Alexander Stone
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Automated detection of handwritten whiteboard content in lecture videos for summarization
BU Kota, K Davila, A Stone, S Setlur, V Govindaraju
2018 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2018
Generalized framework for summarization of fixed-camera lecture videos by detecting and binarizing handwritten content
B Urala Kota, K Davila, A Stone, S Setlur, V Govindaraju
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 22, 221-233, 2019
Automated whiteboard lecture video summarization by content region detection and representation
BU Kota, A Stone, K Davila, S Setlur, V Govindaraju
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 10704-10711, 2021
Summarizing lecture videos by key handwritten content regions
BU Kota, S Ahmed, A Stone, K Davila, S Setlur, V Govindaraju
2019 International conference on document analysis and recognition workshops …, 2019
Additive Manufacturing of 3D Face Masks for Biometric Spoofing
L Christie, K Mancuso, D Fedorishin, P Schneider, A Stone, K Oh
Techconnect Briefs 2019, 147-150, 2019
Post-Processing Effects on 3D Dynamic Models Created from Additive Manufacturing
D Fedorishin*, A Stone*, N Eadie, L Christie, P Schneider, K Oh
Techconnect Briefs 2019, 123-126, 2019
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