Arturo Dominguez Rodriguez
Arturo Dominguez Rodriguez
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Superplastic flow of fine‐grained yttria‐stabilized zirconia polycrystals: Constitutive equation and deformation mechanisms
M Jiménez‐Melendo, A Domínguez‐Rodríguez, A Bravo‐León
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 81 (11), 2761-2776, 1998
Towards physical properties tailoring of carbon nanotubes-reinforced ceramic matrix composites
ADR E. Zapata-Solvas , D. Gómez-García
Journal of the european ceramic society 32, 3001-3020, 2012
Characterisation and high temperature mechanical properties of zirconium boride-based materials
GP J.J. Mele´ndez-Martı´neza,, A. Domı´nguez-Rodrı´gueza, F. Monteverdeb, C ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22, 2543–2549, 2002
Grain size dependence of hardness and fracture toughness in pure near fully-dense boron carbide ceramics
BM Moshtaghioun, D Gomez-Garcia, A Dominguez-Rodriguez, RI Todd
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (7), 1829-1834, 2016
Effect of spark plasma sintering parameters on microstructure and room-temperature hardness and toughness of fine-grained boron carbide (B4C)
BM Moshtaghioun, FL Cumbrera-Hernández, D Gómez-García, ...
Journal of the european ceramic society 33 (2), 361-369, 2013
Toughening of super-hard ultra-fine grained B4C densified by spark-plasma sintering via SiC addition
BM Moshtaghioun, AL Ortiz, D Gómez-García, A Domínguez-Rodríguez
Journal of the european ceramic society 33 (8), 1395-1401, 2013
Microstructure–mechanical properties correlation in siliconized silicon carbide ceramics
JM Fernández, A Munoz, AR de Arellano López, FMV Feria, ...
Acta Materialia 51 (11), 3259-3275, 2003
Plastic Deformation and Solid‐Solution Hardening of Y2O3‐Stabilized ZrO2
A Dominguez‐Rodriguez, KPD Lagerlöf, AH Heuer
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 69 (3), 281-284, 1986
Indentation Studies on Y2O2‐Stabilized ZrO2: I, Development of Indentation‐Induced Cracks
MS Kaliszewski, G Behrens, AH Heuer, MC Shaw, DB Marshall, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 77 (5), 1185-1193, 1994
Ionic conductivity of –12 mol % single crystals
JD Solier, I Cachadina, A Dominguez-Rodriguez
Physical Review B 48 (6), 3704, 1993
Creep of silicon nitride
ADR J.J. Melendez-Martınez
Progress in Materials Science 49, 19-107, 2004
Rapid carbothermic synthesis of silicon carbide nano powders by using microwave heating
BM Moshtaghioun, R Poyato, FL Cumbrera, S de Bernardi-Martin, ...
Journal of the european ceramic society 32 (8), 1787-1794, 2012
Ultra-fast and energy-efficient sintering of ceramics by electric current concentration
RI Zapata, E., Gomez, D., Dominguez-rodriguez, A., Todd
Scientific Reports 5 (8513; DOI:10.1038/srep08513), 2015
High‐temperature creep of yttria‐stabilized zirconia single crystals
J Martinez‐Fernandez, M Jimenez‐Melendo, A Dominguez‐Rodriguez, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 73 (8), 2452-2456, 1990
High temperature mechanical characteristics of superplastic yttria-stabilized zirconia. An examination of the flow process
A Jiménez-Melendo, M.,Domínguez-Rodríguez
Acta Materialia 48 (12), 3201-3210, 2000
Indentation Studies on Y2O3‐Stabilized ZrO2: II, Toughness Determination from Stable Growth of Indentation‐Induced Cracks
GW Dransmann, RW Steinbrech, A Pajares, F Guiberteau, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 77 (5), 1194-1201, 1994
Densification of additive-free polycrystalline β-SiC by spark-plasma sintering
A Lara, AL Ortiz, A Muñoz, A Domínguez-Rodríguez
Ceramics International 38 (1), 45-53, 2012
Densification of B4C nanopowder with nanograin retention by spark-plasma sintering
BM Moshtaghioun, AL Ortiz, D Gomez-Garcia, A Dominguez-Rodriguez
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (6), 1991-1998, 2015
Low‐Temperature Ionic Conductivity of 9.4‐mol%‐Yttria‐Stabilized Zirconia Single Crystals
J de Dios Solier, MA Pérez‐Jubindo, A Dominguez‐Rodriguez, AH Heuer
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 72 (8), 1500-1502, 1989
Slip Systems and plastic anisotropy in CaF2
A Munoz, A Domínguez-Rodríguez, J Castaing
Journal of materials science 29, 6207-6211, 1994
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