Patricia Lopez Garcia
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Cited by
Distributions of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ag) in the southeastern Atlantic and the Southern Ocean
M Boye, BD Wake, P Lopez Garcia, J Bown, AR Baker, EP Achterberg
Biogeosciences 9, 3231-3246, 2012
Long‐term aerosol measurements in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands: Particle concentration, sources and elemental composition
MD Gelado‐Caballero, P López‐García, S Prieto, MD Patey, C Collado, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D3), 2012
A three-year time-series of dust deposition flux measurements in Gran Canaria, Spain: A comparison of wet and dry surface deposition samplers
P López-García, MD Gelado-Caballero, D Santana-Castellano, ...
Atmospheric Environment 79, 689-694, 2013
Solubility of aerosol trace elements: Sources and deposition fluxes in the Canary Region
P López-García, MD Gelado-Caballero, C Collado-Sánchez, ...
Atmospheric Environment 148, 167-174, 2017
IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2018 Inter-laboratory Calibration Exercise of a Certified Reference Material for Nutrients in Seawater.
M Aoyama
International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project/Japan Agency for Marine …, 2018
Industry partnership: lab on chip chemical sensor technology for ocean observing
M Mowlem, A Beaton, R Pascal, A Schaap, S Loucaides, S Monk, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 697611, 2021
Atmospheric fluxes of soluble nutrients and Fe: More than three years of wet and dry deposition measurements at Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)
P López-García, MD Gelado-Caballero, MD Patey, JJ Hernández-Brito
Atmospheric Environment 246, 118090, 2021
OceanGliders Oxygen SOP
P Lopez-Garcia, T Hull, S Thomsen, J Hahn, BY Queste, G Krahmann, ...
n/a, 2022
Flujos de metales derivados de aerosoles africanos en la Cuenca de Canarias
P López García
OceanGliders Oxygen SOP v1. 0.0.[GOOS ENDORSED PRACTICE]
P Lopez-Garcia, T Hull, S Thomsen, J Hahn, BY Queste, G Krahmann, ...
OceanGliders, 2022
Dissolved Aluminium Concentrations Around The Submarine Volcanic Cone at El Hierro Island
MD Gelado-Caballero, P López-García, MD Patey, E Fraile-Nuez, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias, 2012
Phytoplankton primary productivity: A dual‐incubation approach for direct comparison of photosystem II photosynthetic flux (JVPII) and 14C‐fixation experiments
N Schuback, K Oxborough, M Burkitt‐Gray, P López‐García, MD Patey, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 2024
User’s Manual: TechOceanS Flexible Fluidic Bioassay Sensor. Version 1.0.
A Morris, C Murphy, P Lopez-Garcia, P Galanis
National Oceanography Centre for TechOceanS Project, 2024
Proposed synergies between oceanography and metrology
SE Hartman, AR Gates, P Lopez-Garcia, R Bozzano, E Delory, P Favali, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1192030, 2023
Technologies for Ocean Sensing project developments in imaging and sensing
M Mowlem, F Carvalho, R Hanz, E Abdi, C Catalano, KH Mougiou, ...
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-13, 2023
Sensor development templates: User’s Manual.
P López Garcia, MC Mowlem
TehcOceanS Consortium, 2021
Fluxes of particles and soluble elements in dry and wet deposition samples collected between September 2012 and April 2016 at Gran Canaria, Canary Islands.
P Lopez Garcia, MD Gelado Caballero, M Patey, JJ Hernandez-Brito
Mendeley Data, doi: 10.17632/hwcj9mwhxb.1, 2020
A study of alkalinity in aerosols collected in Gran Canaria, Spain during 2011
D Santana Castellano, MD Gelado Caballero, P López García, ...
A long time-series of atmospheric fluxes of trace metals and nutrients to the Canary Basin.
MD Gelado Caballero, P López García, MD Patey, C Collado Sánchez, ...
Inputs of soluble aerosol-derived trace metals and nutrients to the Canary Basin. A study of factors that may influence bioavailability
P López García, MD Patey, MD Gelado Caballero, JJ Hernández Brito
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Articles 1–20