Ana C. Murillo
Ana C. Murillo
Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Zaragoza
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Surf features for efficient robot localization with omnidirectional images
AC Murillo, JJ Guerrero, C Sagues
Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2007
Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning from a Class-wise Memory Bank
I Alonso, A Sabater, D Ferstl, L Montesano, AC Murillo
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 2021
3d-mininet: Learning a 2d representation from point clouds for fast and efficient 3d lidar semantic segmentation
I Alonso, L Riazuelo, L Montesano, AC Murillo
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (4), 5432-5439, 2020
EV-SegNet: Semantic segmentation for event-based cameras
I Alonso, AC Murillo
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Localization in Urban Environments Using a Panoramic Gist Descriptor
AC Murillo, G Singh, J Kosecka, JJ Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 1-15, 2013
Visual door detection integrating appearance and shape cues
AC Murillo, J Košecká, JJ Guerrero, C Sagüés
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56 (6), 512-521, 2008
Experiments in place recognition using gist panoramas
AC Murillo, J Kosecka
2009 IEEE 12Th international conference on computer vision workshops, ICCV …, 2009
From omnidirectional images to hierarchical localization
AC Murillo, C Sagüés, JJ Guerrero, T Goedemé, T Tuytelaars, L Van Gool
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55 (5), 372-382, 2007
Localization and matching using the planar trifocal tensor with bearing-only data
JJ Guerrero, AC Murillo, C Sagüés
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (2), 494-501, 2008
Urban tribes: Analyzing group photos from a social perspective
AC Murillo, IS Kwak, L Bourdev, D Kriegman, S Belongie
2012 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2012
Robust and efficient post-processing for video object detection
A Sabater, L Montesano, AC Murillo
2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2020
Mininet: An efficient semantic segmentation convnet for real-time robotic applications
I Alonso, L Riazuelo, AC Murillo
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 36 (4), 1340-1347, 2020
Gender gap in STEM: A cross-sectional study of primary school students’ self-perception and test anxiety in mathematics
N Ayuso, E Fillola, B Masiá, AC Murillo, R Trillo-Lado, S Baldassarri, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 64 (1), 40-49, 2020
CoralSeg: Learning coral segmentation from sparse annotations
I Alonso, M Yuval, G Eyal, T Treibitz, AC Murillo
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (8), 1456-1477, 2019
Semantic labeling for indoor topological mapping using a wearable catadioptric system
A Rituerto, AC Murillo, JJ Guerrero
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (5), 685-695, 2014
Experiments on an rgb-d wearable vision system for egocentric activity recognition
M Moghimi, P Azagra, L Montesano, AC Murillo, S Belongie
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014
One-shot action recognition in challenging therapy scenarios
A Sabater, L Santos, J Santos-Victor, A Bernardino, L Montesano, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2021
Coral-Segmentation: Training Dense Labeling Models with Sparse Ground Truth
I Alonso, A Cambra, A Munoz, T Treibitz, AC Murillo
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2017
Event transformer. a sparse-aware solution for efficient event data processing
A Sabater, L Montesano, AC Murillo
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
From Bikers to Surfers: Visual Recognition of Urban Tribes.
IS Kwak, AC Murillo, PN Belhumeur, DJ Kriegman, SJ Belongie
Bmvc 1, 2, 2013
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Articles 1–20