Iman Mehdipour
Iman Mehdipour
Head of Technology at CarbonBuilt
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Effect of particle-size distribution and specific surface area of different binder systems on packing density and flow characteristics of cement paste
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 78, 120-131, 2017
Numerical study on stability analysis of geocell reinforced slopes by considering the bending effect
I Mehdipour, M Ghazavi, RZ Moayed
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 37, 23-34, 2013
Understanding the role of particle packing characteristics in rheo-physical properties of cementitious suspensions: A literature review
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
Construction and Building Materials 161, 340-353, 2018
Linking fresh paste microstructure, rheology and extrusion characteristics of cementitious binders for 3D printing
SAO Nair, H Alghamdi, A Arora, I Mehdipour, G Sant, N Neithalath
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (7), 3951-3964, 2019
Effect of mineral admixtures on fluidity and stability of self-consolidating mortar subjected to prolonged mixing time
I Mehdipour, MS Razzaghi, K Amini, M Shekarchi
Construction and Building Materials 40, 1029-1037, 2013
Rheology, hydration, and strength evolution of interground limestone cement containing PCE dispersant and high volume supplementary cementitious materials
I Mehdipour, A Kumar, KH Khayat
Materials & Design 127, 54-66, 2017
Optimized workability and mechanical properties of FRCM by using fiber factor approach: theoretical and experimental study
A Emdadi, I Mehdipour, NA Libre, M Shekarchi
Materials and Structures 48, 1149-1161, 2015
How Microstructure and Pore Moisture Affect Strength Gain in Portlandite-Enriched Composites That Mineralize CO2
I Mehdipour, G Falzone, EC La Plante, D Simonetti, N Neithalath, G Sant
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (15), 13053-13061, 2019
Effect of workability characteristics on the hardened performance of FRSCCMs
I Mehdipour, NA Libre, M Shekarchi, M Khanjani
Construction and Building Materials 40, 611-621, 2013
Stability analysis of geocell-reinforced slopes using the limit equilibrium horizontal slice method
I Mehdipour, M Ghazavi, R Ziaie Moayed
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (9), 06017007, 2017
Evaluation of steel fiber distribution in cement-based mortars using active microwave thermography
A Foudazi, I Mehdipour, KM Donnell, KH Khayat
Materials and Structures 49, 5051-5065, 2016
Enhancing the performance of calcium sulfoaluminate blended cements with shrinkage reducing admixture or lightweight sand
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 87, 29-43, 2018
Controls on CO2 Mineralization Using Natural and Industrial Alkaline Solids under Ambient Conditions
EC La Plante, I Mehdipour, I Shortt, K Yang, D Simonetti, M Bauchy, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (32), 10727-10739, 2021
Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Material Content and Binder Dispersion on Packing Density and Compressive Strength of Sustainable Cement Paste.
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
ACI Materials Journal 113 (3), 2016
Relationship between workability and mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced self-consolidating mortar
I Mehdipour, M Vahdani, NA Libre, M Shekarchi
Magazine of concrete research 65 (17), 1011-1022, 2013
Effect of shrinkage reducing admixture on early expansion and strength evolution of calcium sulfoaluminate blended cement
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 92, 82-91, 2018
Elucidating how particle packing controls rheology and strength development of dense cementitious suspensions
I Mehdipour, KH Khayat
Cement and Concrete Composites 104, 103413, 2019
New insights into the mechanisms of carbon dioxide mineralization by portlandite
G Falzone, I Mehdipour, N Neithalath, M Bauchy, D Simonetti, G Sant
AIChE Journal 67 (5), e17160, 2021
Linking stability characteristics to material performance of self-consolidating concrete-equivalent-mortar incorporating fly ash and metakaolin
I Mehdipour, M Vahdani, K Amini, M Shekarchi
Construction and Building Materials 105, 206-217, 2016
Design and performance of crack-free environmentally friendly concrete “Crack-Free Eco-Crete”
KH Khayat, I Mehdipour
No. NUTC 322, 2014, 2014
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Articles 1–20