Elena Barbadilla-Martín
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Cited by
Field study on adaptive thermal comfort in mixed mode office buildings in southwestern area of Spain
E Barbadilla-Martín, JMS Lissén, JG Martín, P Aparicio-Ruiz, L Brotas
Building and Environment 123, 163-175, 2017
Assessment of thermal comfort and energy savings in a field study on adaptive comfort with application for mixed mode offices
E Barbadilla-Martín, JG Martín, JMS Lissén, JS Ramos, SÁ Domínguez
Energy and Buildings 167, 281-289, 2018
Building automation system with adaptive comfort in mixed mode buildings
P Aparicio-Ruiz, E Barbadilla-Martin, JM Salmerón-Lissén, ...
Sustainable cities and society 43, 77-85, 2018
Mathematical formulation and comparison of solution approaches for the vehicle routing problem with access time windows
R Grosso, J Muñuzuri, A Escudero-Santana, E Barbadilla-Martín
Complexity 2018, 2018
Planning navigation in inland waterways with tidal depth restrictions
J Muñuzuri, E Barbadilla, A Escudero-Santana, L Onieva
The Journal of Navigation 71 (3), 547, 2018
Aplicación de la regresión logística para la predicción de roturas de tuberías en redes de abastecimiento de agua
A Robles-Velasco, P Cortés, J Muñuzuri, E Barbadilla-Martín
Dirección y Organización, 78-85, 2020
KNN and adaptive comfort applied in decision making for HVAC systems
P Aparicio-Ruiz, E Barbadilla-Martín, J Guadix, P Cortés
Annals of Operations Research, 1-15, 2019
A PLS multigroup analysis of the role of businesswomen in the tourism sector in Andalusia
JJ García-Machado, EB Martín, CG Rengel
Forum Scientiae Oeconomia 8 (2), 37-57, 2020
Applying renewable energy technologies in an integrated optimization method for residential building’s design
P Aparicio-Ruiz, J Guadix-Martín, E Barbadilla-Martín, J Muñuzuri-Sanz
Applied Sciences 9 (3), 453, 2019
Experiencia piloto de gamificación con uso de aplicaciones móviles en una asignatura de máster de Ingeniería Industrial
M Rodríguez Palero, J Guadix Martín, E Barbadilla Martín, ...
13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial …, 2019
Short-Term Forecasting in Office Consumption with Identification of Patterns by Clustering
P Aparicio-Ruiz, EB Martín, JG Martín, PC Achedad
Engineering Digital Transformation, 195-202, 2019
Thermal comfort field study based on adaptive comfort theory in non-residential buildings
E Barbadilla, J Guadix, P Aparicio, P Cortés
Engineering Systems and Networks, 327-334, 2017
Predicción de rotura de tuberías en redes de abastecimiento de agua a través de un modelo de regresión logística
A Robles Velasco, P Cortés Achedad, J Muñuzuri Sanz, ...
13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial …, 2019
Metodología para el Análisis de Sensibilidad de un Algoritmo de Control Adaptativo
E Barbadilla Martín, P Aparicio Ruiz, J Guadix Martín, L Onieva Giménez
13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial …, 2019
Fuzzy Logic for the Improvement of Thermal Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Non-residential Buildings
E Barbadilla-Martín, J Guadix, P Cortés, M Rodríguez-Palero
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management …, 2018
Improving the Management of a Cultural Association by Means of Lean Office
A Escudero-Santana, P Aparicio-Ruiz, E Barbadilla-Martín, ...
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management …, 2018
Desarrollo de modelos adaptativos de confort térmico con aplicación en edificios no residenciales.
E Barbadilla Martín
Towards Increasing Sustainability in Large Urban Mobility Attractors
J Muñuzuri, L Onieva, J Guadix, E Barbadilla
Engineering Systems and Networks, 53-60, 2017
Estudio y optimización de la estructura procedimental en un servicio de prácticas de alumnos basado en reingeniería de procesos
E Barbadilla-Martín, JG Martín
XVI Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización: Vigo, 18 a 20 de julio de 2012 …, 2012
Energy Efficiency in a Thermal Comfort Field Work in Spain
E Barbadilla-Martín, JG Martín, JMS Lissén, P Aparicio-Ruiz
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Articles 1–20