Manuel Ortega Cantero
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Evaluating collaborative learning processes using system-based measurement
CA Collazos, LA Guerrero, JA Pino, S Renzi, J Klobas, M Ortega, ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 10 (3), 257-274, 2007
Ubiquitous computing
F Mattern, M Ortega Cantero, J Lorés Vidal
Internet@ Future, Jahrbuch Telekommunikation und Gesellschaft 1 (2), 52-61, 2001
Creativity support tools: A grand challenge for HCI researchers
B Shneiderman
Engineering the user interface: From research to practice, 1-9, 2008
Evaluating multimedia learning materials in primary education using eye tracking
AI Molina, Ó Navarro, M Ortega, M Lacruz
Computer Standards & Interfaces 59, 45-60, 2018
CIAM: A methodology for the development of groupware user interfaces.
AI Molina, MA Redondo, M Ortega, U Hoppe
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 14 (9), 1435-1446, 2008
Collaborative environments for the learning of design: A model and a case study in Domotics
C Bravo, MA Redondo, M Ortega, MF Verdejo
Computers & Education 46 (2), 152-173, 2006
Assessing the effectiveness of new devices for accessing learning materials: An empirical analysis based on eye tracking and learner subjective perception
AI Molina, MA Redondo, C Lacave, M Ortega
Computers in Human Behavior 31, 475-490, 2014
A framework for process–solution analysis in collaborative learning environments
C Bravo, MA Redondo, MF Verdejo, M Ortega
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 66 (11), 812-832, 2008
Descriptive theory of awareness for groupware development
CA Collazos, FL Gutiérrez, J Gallardo, M Ortega, HM Fardoun, AI Molina
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10, 4789-4818, 2019
CIAT-GUI: A MDE-compliant environment for developing Graphical User Interfaces of information systems
AI Molina, WJ Giraldo, J Gallardo, MA Redondo, M Ortega, G García
Advances in Engineering Software 52, 10-29, 2012
A methodological approach for user interface development of collaborative applications: A case study
AI Molina, MÁ Redondo, M Ortega
Science of Computer Programming 74 (9), 754-776, 2009
Blackboard architecture to integrate components and agents in heterogeneous distributed eLearning systems: An application for learning to program
F Jurado, MA Redondo, M Ortega
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (7), 1621-1636, 2012
A conceptual and methodological framework for modeling interactive groupware applications
AI Molina, MA Redondo, M Ortega
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: 12th International Workshop …, 2006
Evaluation of multimedia educational materials using eye tracking
O Navarro, AI Molina, M Lacruz, M Ortega
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 197, 2236-2243, 2015
Applying fuzzy logic to analyze collaborative learning experiences in an e-learning environment
MA Redondo, C Bravo, J Bravo, M Ortega
USDLA Journal.(United States Distance Learning Association) 17, 19-28, 2003
Metamodel-driven definition of a visual modeling language for specifying interactive groupware applications: An empirical study
AI Molina, J Gallardo, MA Redondo, M Ortega, WJ Giraldo
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (7), 1772-1789, 2013
Using fuzzy logic applied to software metrics and test cases to assess programming assignments and give advice
F Jurado, MA Redondo, M Ortega
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 35 (2), 695-712, 2012
Collaborative discovery learning of model design
C Bravo, MA Redondo, M Ortega, MF Verdejo
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 6th International Conference, ITS 2002 …, 2002
Learning to program with COALA, a distributed computer assisted environment
F Jurado, AI Molina, MA Redondo, M Ortega, A Giemza, L Bollen, ...
Journal of Universal Computer Science 15 (7), 1472-1485, 2009
PlanEdit: An adaptive tool for design learning by problem solving
MA Redondo, C Bravo, M Ortega, MF Verdejo
Adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems, LNCS, 560-563, 2002
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Artículos 1–20