Olga Soler Vilageliu
Olga Soler Vilageliu
Universitat Autònoma
Correu electrònic verificat a
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Constraints of vowels and consonants on lexical selection: Cross-linguistic comparisons
A Cutler, N Sebastián-Gallés, O Soler-Vilageliu, B Van Ooijen
Memory & cognition 28, 746-755, 2000
Conducting experimental research in audiovisual translation (AVT): A position paper
P Orero, S Doherty, JL Kruger, A Matamala, J Pedersen, E Perego, ...
JosTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation, 105-126, 2018
Graphemes as motor units in the acquisition of writing skills
S Kandel, O Soler, S Valdois, C Gros
Reading and Writing 19, 313-337, 2006
Sign language interpreting on TV: a reception study of visual screen exploration in deaf signing users
M Bosch-Baliarda, O Soler-Vilageliu, P Orero
MonTI. Monografías de traducción e interpretación, 108-143, 2020
‘What should I say?’Tentative criteria to prioritize information in the audio description of film characters
N Fresno, J Castellà, O Soler-Vilageliu
Researching audio description: New approaches, 143-167, 2016
Learning to write effectively: current trends in european research
D Alamargot, M Castello, F Ganier, O Kruse
Emerald, 2012
Teaching and learning in a multilingual Europe: findings from a cross-European study
JE Dockrell, TC Papadopoulos, CL Mifsud, L Bourke, O Vilageliu, E Bešić, ...
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-28, 2021
Toward a sign language-friendly questionnaire design
M Bosch-Baliarda, O Soler Vilageliu, P Orero
The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 24 (4), 333-345, 2019
Electrodermal activity as a measure of emotions in media accessibility research: methodological considerations
A Matamala, O Soler-Vilageliu, G Iturregui-Gallardo, A Jankowska, ...
Journal of Specialised Translation 33 (1-23), 2020
User-centric approaches in access services evaluation: profiling the end user
A Matamala, P Orero, S Rovira-Esteva, H Casas-Tost, F Morales Morante, ...
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on language resources …, 2018
Less is more. Effects of the amount of information and its presentation in the recall and reception of audio described characters
N Fresno, J Castellà Mate, O Soler Vilageliu
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 2014
A longitudinal study of handwriting skills in pre-schoolers: The acquisition of syllable oriented programming strategies
O Soler Vilageliu, S Kandel
Reading and Writing 25, 151-162, 2012
Psicologia del llenguatge
OS Vilageliu
Editorial UOC, 2011
VR360 subtitling: requirements, technology and user experience
MM Climent, O Soler-Vilageliu, IF Vila, SF Langa
IEEE Access 9, 2819-2838, 2020
Defining and assessing artistic co-creation: the TRACTION proposal.
A Matamala, O Soler-Vilageliu
Arte, individuo y Sociedad 34 (3), 2022
i Van Ooijen, B.(2000). Constraints of vowels and consonants on lexical selection: Cross-linguistic comparisons
A Cutler, N Sebastián-Gallés, O Soler-Vilageliu
Memory & Cognition 28 (5), 746-755, 0
In a split second: Handwriting pauses in typical and struggling writers
M Pascual, O Soler, N Salas
Frontiers in psychology 13, 1052264, 2023
Effects of screen size on subtitle layout preferences and comprehension across devices
O Gerber-Morón, O Soler-Vilageliu, J Castellà
Usability as a premise of quality: first steps towards the validation of the system usability scale (sus) into spanish
I Tor-Carroggio, D Segura, O Soler-Vilageliu
Journal of Audiovisual Translation 2 (2), 57-71, 2019
Audio subtitling and subtitling: a comparison of their emotional effect on blind/partially sighted and sighted users
G Iturregui-Gallardo, O Soler-Vilageliu
Onomázein, 61-82, 2021
En aquests moments el sistema no pot dur a terme l'operació. Torneu-ho a provar més tard.
Articles 1–20