Pascual Fernández Hernández
Pascual Fernández Hernández
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Murcia
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A continuous location model for siting a non-noxious undesirable facility within a geographical region
J Fernández, P Fernández, B Pelegrın
European Journal of Operational Research 121 (2), 259-274, 2000
New heuristic algorithms for discrete competitive location problems with binary and partially binary customer behavior
P Fernández, B Pelegrín, A Lančinskas, J Žilinskas
Computers & Operations Research 79, 12-18, 2017
On price competition in location-price models with spatially separated markets
MDG Pérez, PF Hernández, BP Pelegrín
Top 12 (2), 351-374, 2004
Estimating actual distances by norm functions: a comparison between the lk, p, θ-norm and the lb1, b2, θ-norm and a study about the selection of the data set
J Fernández, P Fernández, B Pelegrín
Computers & Operations Research 29 (6), 609-623, 2002
A discrete long-term location–price problem under the assumption of discriminatory pricing: Formulations and parametric analysis
P Fernández, B Pelegrín, MDG Pérez, PH Peeters
European journal of operational research 179 (3), 1050-1062, 2007
On the location of new facilities for chain expansion under delivered pricing
B Pelegrín, P Fernández, MDG Pérez, SC Hernández
Omega 40 (2), 149-158, 2012
On the sum-max bicriterion path problem
B Pelegrı́n, P Fernández
Computers & operations research 25 (12), 1043-1054, 1998
Improving solution of discrete competitive facility location problems
A Lančinskas, P Fernández, B Pelegín, J Žilinskas
Optimization Letters 11, 259-270, 2017
Finding location equilibria for competing firms under delivered pricing
B Pelegrín-Pelegrín, P Dorta-González, P Fernández-Hernández
Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (4), 729-741, 2011
Location strategy for a firm under competitive delivered prices
MD García, B Pelegrín, P Fernández
The Annals of Regional Science 47, 1-23, 2011
GASUB: finding global optima to discrete location problems by a genetic-like algorithm
B Pelegrín, JL Redondo, P Fernández, I García, PM Ortigosa
Journal of Global Optimization 38, 249-264, 2007
Profit maximization and reduction of the cannibalization effect in chain expansion
B Pelegrín, P Fernández, MD Garcia Perez
Annals of Operations Research 246, 57-75, 2016
Exact and heuristic solutions of a discrete competitive location model with Pareto-Huff customer choice rule
P Fernández, B Pelegrín, A Lančinskas, J Žilinskas
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 385, 113200, 2021
On tie breaking in competitive location under binary customer behavior
B Pelegrin, P Fernandez, MDG Pérez
Omega 52, 156-167, 2015
Solution of asymmetric discrete competitive facility location problems using ranking of candidate locations
A Lančinskas, J Žilinskas, P Fernández, B Pelegrín
Soft Computing 24, 17705-17713, 2020
Computation of multi-facility location nash equilibria on a network under quantity competition
B Pelegrín, P Fernández, MD García
Networks and Spatial Economics 18, 999-1017, 2018
A discrete competitive facility location model with minimal market share constraints and equity-based ties breaking rule
P Fernández, A Lančinskas, B Pelegrín, J Žilinskas
Informatica 31 (2), 205-224, 2020
Single facility location on a network under mill and delivered pricing
B Pelegrín, P Fernández, R Suárez, MD García
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 17 (4), 373-385, 2006
Finding multiple global optima for unconstrained discrete location problems
JL Redondo, B Pelegrín, P Fernández, I García, PM Ortigosa
Optimization Methods & Software 26 (2), 207-224, 2011
Algoritmos en grafos y redes
PP Blas, L Cánovas, P Fernández
PPU, 1992
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