Kim Schulte
Kim Schulte
Reader, Jaume I University, Castellón
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Cited by
Prepositional infinitives in Romance: A usage-based approach to syntactic change
K Schulte
Peter Lang, 2007
Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages
P Heggarty, C Anderson, M Scarborough, B King, R Bouckaert, L Jocz, ...
Science 381 (6656), eabg0818, 2023
Loanwords in Romanian
K Schulte
Loanwords in the world’s languages: A comparative handbook, 230-259, 2009
What causes adverbial infinitives to spread? Evidence from Romance
K Schulte
Language Sciences 29 (4), 512-537, 2007
Competing modal periphrases in spanish between the 16th and the 18th centuries: a diachronic variationist approach
JL Blas Arroyo, K Schulte
Diachronica 34 (1), 1-39, 2017
La aparición de nuevas variedades romances: el contacto lingüístico entre rumano, castellano y valenciano en Castellón de la Plana
K Schulte
Traducción y (A) Culturación en la era global, 119-134, 2012
Daco-and Iberico-Romance in contact: on the origin of structural similarities between related languages
K Schulte
Editura Academiei Române, 2012
Using non-annotated diachronic corpora: benefits, methods and limitations
K Schulte
Diacronía de las lenguas iberorrománicas. Nuevas aportaciones desde la …, 2009
Vowel centralization in Romanian verbs of Slavic origin: deliberate exploitation of an indigenous sound change?
K Schulte
Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2003: Selected papers from ‘Going …, 2008
Pragmatic causation in the rise of the Romance prepositional infinitive: a statistically-based study with special reference to Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian
K Schulte
Univ. Cambridge, 2004
Romance in contact with Romance
K Schulte
Manual of Romance Sociolinguistics (Manuals of Romance Linguistics) 18, 595-626, 2018
Romanian vocabulary
K Schulte
World Loanword Database, 2009
Spontaneous' Bad'Translation or a New Ibero-Romance Variety? The Case of Rumañol
K Schulte
José Jorge Amigo Extremera (aut.), Traducimos desde el sur [Recurso …, 2015
Pragmatic relevance as cause for syntactic change: The emergence of prepositional complementizers in Romance
K Schulte
Historical Linguistics 2001: Selected papers from the 15th International …, 2008
Structural convergence of two Ibero-Romance varieties: The case of colloquial Valencian as the outcome of contact between Catalan and Spanish
K Schulte
Convergence and divergence in Ibero-Romance across contact situations and …, 2021
On the position of overt subjects in infinitival clauses in Spanish and Portuguese
K Schulte
Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax 16, 173, 2018
Entrenchment and frequency effects in the diffusion and replacement of modal periphrases in Spanish: a diachronic variationist analysis
K Schulte, JLB Arroyo
Lingüística de corpus y lingüística histórica iberorrománica, 238, 2014
Romanian studies: Language and linguistics
K Schulte
The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies 81 (1), 483-502, 2021
Romanian studies: Language and linguistics
K Schulte
The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 73, 266-283, 2011
Morphology "of the eggs", and what it can tell us about Romanian nominal inflection
K Schulte
Morphology and Language History (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) 298 …, 2008
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Articles 1–20