Míriam Bellver
Míriam Bellver
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The liver tumor segmentation benchmark (lits)
P Bilic, P Christ, HB Li, E Vorontsov, A Ben-Cohen, G Kaissis, A Szeskin, ...
Medical Image Analysis 84, 102680, 2023
Hierarchical object detection with deep reinforcement learning
M Bellver, X Giró-i-Nieto, F Marqués, J Torres
Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop - NIPS 2016, 2016
RVOS: End-to-End Recurrent Network for Video Object Segmentation
C Ventura, M Bellver, A Girbau, A Salvador, F Marques, X Giro-i-Nieto
CVPR 2019 Proceedings, 2019
Recurrent Neural Networks for Semantic Instance Segmentation
A Salvador, M Bellver, V Campos, M Baradad, F Marqués, J Torres, ...
Deep Vision Workshop - CVPR 2018, 2017
Detection-aided liver lesion segmentation using deep learning
M Bellver, KK Maninis, J Pont-Tuset, X Giró-i-Nieto, J Torres, L Van Gool
Machine Learning 4 Health Workshop - NIPS 2017, 2017
Distributed training strategies for a computer vision deep learning algorithm on a distributed GPU cluster
V Campos, F Sastre, M Yagües, M Bellver, X Giró-i-Nieto, J Torres
Procedia Computer Science 108, 315-324, 2017
RefVOS: A closer look at referring expressions for video object segmentation
M Bellver, C Ventura, C Silberer, I Kazakos, J Torres, X Giro-i-Nieto
Multimed Tools Applications (2022), 2020
Budget-aware semi-supervised semantic and instance segmentation
M Bellver Bueno, A Salvador Aguilera, J Torres Viñals, X Giró Nieto
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR …, 2019
Mask-guided sample selection for semi-supervised instance segmentation
M Bellver, A Salvador, J Torres, X Giro-i-Nieto
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 25551-25569, 2020
SynthRef: Generation of Synthetic Referring Expressions for Object Segmentation
I Kazakos, C Ventura, M Bellver, C Silberer, X Giró-i-Nieto
NAACL 2021 Visually Grounded Interaction and Language (ViGIL) Workshop, 2021
Human Body Measurement Estimation with Adversarial Augmentation
N Ruiz, M Bellver, T Bolkart, A Arora, MC Lin, J Romero, R Bala
3DV 2022, 2022
Detection-aided Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning
MB Bueno
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria …, 2017
Image and video object segmentation in low supervision scenarios
M Bellver Bueno
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021
Budget-aware Semi-Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation.
M Bellver, A Salvador, J Torres, X Giro-i-Nieto
CVPR Workshops, 93-102, 2019
Efficient exploration of region hierarchies for semantic segmentation
M Bellver Bueno
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015
SynthRef: Generation of Synthetic Referring Expressions for Object Segmentation (Supplementary Material)
I Kazakos, C Ventura, M Bellver, C Silberer, X Giró-i-Nieto
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