N.R. Aravind
Cited by
Cited by
Bounding χ in terms of ω and Δ for some classes of graphs
NR Aravind, T Karthick, CR Subramanian
Discrete Mathematics 311 (12), 911-920, 2011
Linear time algorithms for happy vertex coloring problems for trees
NR Aravind, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Kare
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, 281-292, 2016
Dichotomy Results on the Hardness of -free Edge Modification Problems
NR Aravind, RB Sandeep, N Sivadasan
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31 (1), 542-561, 2017
Algorithms and hardness results for happy coloring problems
NR Aravind, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Kare, J Lauri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.08282, 2017
On structural parameterizations of the matching cut problem
NR Aravind, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Kare
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 11th International Conference …, 2017
Forbidden subgraph colorings and the oriented chromatic number
NR Aravind, CR Subramanian
International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, 60-71, 2009
On Polynomial Kernelization of -free Edge Deletion
NR Aravind, RB Sandeep, N Sivadasan
Algorithmica 79 (3), 654-666, 2017
Parameterized Lower Bounds and Dichotomy Results for the NP-completeness of H-free Edge Modification Problems
NR Aravind, RB Sandeep, N Sivadasan
LATIN 2016: Theoretical Informatics, 82-95, 2016
Bounds on vertex colorings with restrictions on the union of color classes
NR Aravind, CR Subramanian
Journal of Graph Theory 66 (3), 213-234, 2011
An FPT algorithm for Matching Cut and d-Cut
NR Aravind, R Saxena
Combinatorial Algorithms: 32nd International Workshop, IWOCA 2021, Ottawa …, 2021
Oriented colouring of some graph products
N Aravind, N Narayanan, C Subramanian
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 31 (4), 675-686, 2011
Parameterized complexity of happy coloring problems
A Agrawal, NR Aravind, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Kare, J Lauri, N Misra, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 835, 58-81, 2020
Vertex partitioning problems on graphs with bounded tree width
NR Aravind, S Kalyanasundaram, AS Kare
Discrete Applied Mathematics 319, 254-270, 2022
Parameterized Lower Bound and NP-Completeness of Some H-Free Edge Deletion Problems
NR Aravind, RB Sandeep, N Sivadasan
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 9th International Conference …, 2015
Forbidden subgraph colorings and the oriented chromatic number
NR Aravind, CR Subramanian
European Journal of Combinatorics 34 (3), 620-631, 2013
Bounds on edge colorings with restrictions on the union of color classes
NR Aravind, CR Subramanian
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 24 (3), 841-852, 2010
Chess is hard even for a single player
NR Aravind, N Misra, H Mittal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.14864, 2022
An FPT algorithm for matching cut
NR Aravind, R Saxena
CoRR, abs/2101.06998, 2021
On the expressive power of read-once determinants
NR Aravind, PS Joglekar
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 20th International Symposium, FCT 2015 …, 2015
Parameterized complexity of path set packing
NR Aravind, R Saxena
International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, 291-302, 2023
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Articles 1–20