Antonio Santos-Olmo Parra (0000-0002-2349-3894)
Antonio Santos-Olmo Parra (0000-0002-2349-3894)
Research Group GSyA, University of Castilla-la Mancha (UCLM)
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The importance of the security culture in SMEs as regards the correct management of the security of their assets
A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, I Caballero, S Camacho, ...
Future Internet 8 (3), 30, 2016
Managing cybersecurity risks of cyber-physical systems: The MARISMA-CPS pattern
DG Rosado, A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, MA Serrano, C Blanco, ...
Computers in Industry 142, 103715, 2022
Managing Security and its Maturity in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.
LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, DG Rosado, M Piattini
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 15 (15), 3038-3058, 2009
Development of an Expert System for the Evaluation of Students’ Curricula on the Basis of Competencies
LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, E Álvarez, M Huerta, S Camacho, ...
Future Internet 8 (2), 22, 2016
Minimizing incident response time in real-world scenarios using quantum computing
MA Serrano, LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, D García-Rosado, C Blanco, ...
Software Quality Journal 32 (1), 163-192, 2024
Methodology for dynamic analysis and risk management on ISO27001
ASO Parra, LES Crespo, E Alvarez, M Huerta, EFM Paton
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (6), 2897-2911, 2016
Security culture in small and medium-size enterprise
LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, E Fernández-Medina, M Piattini
ENTERprise Information Systems: International Conference, CENTERIS 2010 …, 2010
MARISMA-BiDa pattern: Integrated risk analysis for big data
DG Rosado, J Moreno, LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, MA Serrano, ...
Computers & Security 102, 102155, 2021
Applying the Action-Research Method to Develop a Methodology to Reduce the Installation and Maintenance Times of Information Security Management Systems
A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, DG Rosado, E Fernández-Medina, ...
Future Internet 8 (3), 36, 2016
Modelling language for cyber security incident handling for critical infrastructures
H Mouratidis, S Islam, A Santos-Olmo, LE Sanchez, UM Ismail
Computers & Security 128, 103139, 2023
Security policies by design in NoSQL document databases
C Blanco, D García-Saiz, DG Rosado, A Santos-Olmo, J Peral, A Maté, ...
Journal of Information Security and Applications 65, 103120, 2022
Proceso de Reificación de las Competencias Generales y Específicas para el Grado en Ingeniería Informática y Definición de un Plan de Métricas de Evaluación de dichas Competencias
LE Sánchez, DG Rosado, D Mellado, A Santos-Olmo, ...
XVII Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI11), 51-58, 2011
ISMS Building for SMEs through the Reuse of Knowledge
LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, E Fernandez-Medina, M Piattini
Small and Medium Enterprises: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and …, 2013
Building ISMS through the Reuse of Knowledge
LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo, E Fernández-Medina, M Piattini
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 7th International …, 2010
A Systematic Review of Methodologies and Models for the Analysis and Management of Associative and Hierarchical Risk in SMEs
A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, E Fernández-Medina, M Piattini
International Workshop on Security in Information Systems 2, 117-124, 2012
LOPD Compliance and ISO 27001 legal requirements in the Health Sector
LE Sanchez, A Santos-Olmo, E Alvarez, E Fernandez-Medina, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 (3), 1824-1837, 2012
Revisión sistemática de metodologías y modelos para el análisis y gestión de riesgos asociativos y jerárquicos para PYMES
LESA Santos-Olmo, E Fernández-Medina, M Piattini
Recupe-rado de https://www. researchgate. net, 2012
Cybersecurity: a general framework in the maritime and military world
F Martínez, F Guevara, LE Sánchez, A Santos-Olmo
Ciencia y tecnología de buques 17 (33), 51-60, 2023
Desirable characteristics for an ISMS oriented to SMEs
A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, E Fernández-Medina, M Piattini
International Workshop on Security in Information Systems 2, 151-158, 2011
Towards an integrated risk analysis security framework according to a systematic analysis of existing proposals
A Santos-Olmo, LE Sánchez, DG Rosado, MA Serrano, C Blanco, ...
Frontiers of Computer Science 18 (3), 183808, 2024
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Artículos 1–20