María-Elena Fabregat-Cabrera
María-Elena Fabregat-Cabrera
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Cognition, technology and games for the elderly: An introduction to ELDERGAMES Project.
L Gamberini, MA Raya, G Barresi, M Fabregat, F Ibanez, L Prontu
PsychNology J. 4 (3), 285-308, 2006
Eldergames project: An innovative mixed reality table-top solution to preserve cognitive functions in elderly people
L Gamberini, F Martino, B Seraglia, A Spagnolli, M Fabregat, F Ibanez, ...
2009 2nd Conference on Human System Interactions, 164-169, 2009
Playing for a real bonus: Videogames to empower elderly people
L Gamberini, M Alcaniz, G Barresi, M Fabregat, L Prontu, B Seraglia
Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation 1 (1), 37-48, 2008
Communication system for remote patient visits and clinical status monitoring
ME Fabregat, FI Garcia, PMR Aboy
US Patent 8,305,423, 2012
Eldergames: videogames for empowering, training and monitoring elderly cognitive capabilities
L Gamberini, M Fabregat, A Spagnolli, L Prontu, B Seraglia, M Alcaniz, ...
Gerontechnology 7 (2), 111, 2008
Involving older adults in designing interactive technology: the case of SeniorCHANNEL
V Orso, A Spagnolli, L Gamberini, F Ibañez, ME Fabregat
Proceedings of the 11th biannual conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter, 102-109, 2015
Desinformación Populista en Redes Sociales: La Tuitosfera del Juicio del Procés
E Llorca, ME Fabregat-Cabrera, R Ruiz-Callado
Observatorio (OBS*) 15 (3), 2021
Interactive multimedia content for older adults: the case of SeniorChannel
V Orso, A Spagnolli, L Gamberini, F Ibanez, ME Fabregat
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (4), 5171-5189, 2017
Juego, juguetes y discapacidad. La importancia del diseño universal
M Costa, M Romero, C Mallebrera, M Fabregat, E Torres, M Martínez, ...
AIJU. Ibi (Alicante), 2007
“Why Can’t We?” Disinformation and Right to Self-Determination. The Catalan Conflict on Twitter
E Llorca-Asensi, A Sánchez Díaz, ME Fabregat-Cabrera, R Ruiz-Callado
Social Sciences 10 (10), 383, 2021
Adaptation of traditional toys and games to new technologies: New products generation
M Fabregat, M Costa, M Romero
Toys, games, and media, 237-252, 2004
Involving elderly users in design: techniques to collect preferences for Interactive Digital Television.
A Spagnolli, L Gamberini, F Ibanez, ME Fabregat, T Debelic, V Orso
Annual Review Of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, 233-237, 2012
Are FPCIs a source of increased risk for children? Results of a multicenter, experimental study comparing children's behaviour with FPCIs and toys
C Donati, B Benelli, N Consonni, M Fabregat, T Mantyla, G Carelli, ...
Journal of safety research 38 (5), 589-596, 2007
F Ibáñez, J Playfoot, ME Fabregat, M Costa, S Torres, C Cretu
Juego, juguetes y discapacidad
M Costa, M Romero, C Mallebrera, M Fabregat, E Torres, M Martínez, ...
La importancia del diseño universal. AIJU, 2007
Gaming technology platform as a support tool for anti social behavior prevention in young people at risk to be marginalized
F Ibañez, J Playfoot, ME Fabregat, M Costa, S Torres
Social Media for Social Inclusion of Youth at Risk 29, 2010
Juego como promoción de un envejecimiento saludable: definición del usuario y pautas para el diseño de producto accesible
ME Fabregat Cabrera, MC Ferrer, MTR Berenguer, RP Puente
Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología 41, 17-24, 2006
Juegos de mesa y personas mayores: la importancia de nuevos disenos
JMC Bordería, RP Puente, RB i Guillem, MF Cabrera, MC Ferrer
Revista de biomecánica, 11-12, 2004
Programas para la mejora de la calidad de vida a través del juego
ME Fabregat Cabrera
Envejecimiento activo y actividades socioeducativas con personas mayores …, 2010
¡ Pregúntame sobre accesibilidad y ayudas técnicas!
A para el Desarrollo Económico, CE de Autonomía Personal, A Técnicas
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Articles 1–20