Pablo Pavón-Domínguez
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Cited by
Exploring the relationship between nitrogen dioxide and ground-level ozone by applying the joint multifractal analysis
FJ Jiménez-Hornero, JE Jiménez-Hornero, E Gutiérrez de Ravé, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 167, 675-684, 2010
Multifractal analysis of ground–level ozone concentrations at urban, suburban and rural background monitoring sites in Southwestern Iberian Peninsula
P Pavon-Dominguez, FJ Jimenez-Hornero, EG de Rave
Atmospheric Pollution Research 4 (2), 229-237, 2013
Proposal for estimating ground-level ozone concentrations at urban areas based on multivariate statistical methods
P Pavón-Domínguez, FJ Jiménez-Hornero, EG De Rave
Atmospheric Environment 90, 59-70, 2014
Joint multifractal description of the relationship between wind patterns and land surface air temperature
FJ Jiménez-Hornero, P Pavón-Domínguez, EG de Ravé, ...
Atmospheric research 99 (3-4), 366-376, 2011
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of sheep livestock prices in origin
P Pavón-Domínguez, S Serrano, FJ Jiménez-Hornero, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (19), 4466-4476, 2013
Temporal scaling study of particulate matter (PM10) and solar radiation influences on air temperature in the Caribbean basin using a 3D joint multifractal analysis
T Plocoste, P Pavón-Domínguez
Atmospheric Environment 222, 117115, 2020
An experimental and computational approach to thermoelectric-based conditioned mattresses
A Rincón-Casado, A Martinez, M Araiz, P Pavón-Domínguez, D Astrain
Applied Thermal Engineering 135, 472-482, 2018
Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of wind speed and solar radiation
T Plocoste, P Pavón-Domínguez
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30 (11), 2020
Fractal and multifractal characterization of the scaling geometry of an urban bus-transport network
P Pavón-Domínguez, AB Ariza-Villaverde, A Rincón-Casado, EG de Ravé, ...
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 64, 229-238, 2017
Joint multifractal analysis of air temperature, relative humidity and reference evapotranspiration in the middle zone of the Guadalquivir river valley
AB Ariza-Villaverde, P Pavón-Domínguez, R Carmona-Cabezas, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 278, 107657, 2019
Joint multifractal analysis of the influence of temperature and nitrogen dioxide on tropospheric ozone
P Pavón-Domínguez, FJ Jiménez-Hornero, E Gutiérrez de Ravé
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 29, 1881-1889, 2015
Temporal evolution of multifractality in the Madrid Metro subway network
S Moreno-Pulido, P Pavón-Domínguez, P Burgos-Pintos
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 142, 110370, 2021
Multifractal approach for comparing road transport network geometry: The case of Spain
P Pavón-Domínguez, A Rincón-Casado, P Ruiz, P Camacho-Magriñán
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 510, 678-690, 2018
Pautas de implantación de signos de calidad territorial en Andalucía
PP Domínguez, ACG Muñoz
Cultura, Inovação e Território, 75, 2009
A Fixed-Mass multifractal approach for unweighted complex networks
P Pavón-Domínguez, S Moreno-Pulido
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 541, 123670, 2020
Sandbox fixed-mass algorithm for multifractal unweighted complex networks
P Pavón-Domínguez, S Moreno-Pulido
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 156, 111836, 2022
Influence of the fractal geometry on the mechanical resistance of cantilever beams designed through topology optimization
P Pavón-Domínguez, G Portillo-García, A Rincón-Casado, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10554, 2021
Influence of Technology on Perceived Obsolescence though Product Design Properties
MA Pardo-Vicente, P Camacho-Magriñan, P Pavon-Dominguez
Sustainability 14 (21), 14555, 2022
Characterization of synthetic porous media images by using fractal and multifractal analysis
P Pavón-Domínguez, M Díaz-Jiménez
GEM-International Journal on Geomathematics 14 (1), 27, 2023
Evaluation of the temporal scaling variability in forecasting ground-level ozone concentrations obtained from multiple linear regressions
P Pavón-Domínguez, FJ Jiménez-Hornero, EG de Ravé
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 3853-3866, 2013
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Articles 1–20