Asunción Beerli Palacio
Asunción Beerli Palacio
Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
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Factors influencing destination image
A Beerli, JD Martin
Annals of tourism research 31 (3), 657-681, 2004
Tourists’ characteristics and the perceived image of tourist destinations: a quantitative analysis—a case study of Lanzarote, Spain
A Beerli, JD Martı́n
Tourism management 25 (5), 623-636, 2004
A model of customer loyalty in the retail banking market
A Beerli, JD Martin, A Quintana
European journal of marketing 38 (1/2), 253-275, 2004
The configuration of the university image and its relationship with the satisfaction of students
A Beerli Palacio, G Díaz Meneses, PJ Pérez Pérez
Journal of Educational administration 40 (5), 486-505, 2002
Self-congruity and destination choice
A Beerli, GD Meneses, SM Gil
Annals of Tourism Research 34 (3), 571-587, 2007
Recycling behavior: A multidimensional approach
GD Meneses, AB Palacio
Environment and behavior 37 (6), 837-860, 2005
Antecedents and consequences of destination image gap
JD Martín-Santana, A Beerli-Palacio, PA Nazzareno
Annals of tourism research 62, 13-25, 2017
Design and validation of an instrument for measuring advertising effectiveness in the printed media
A Beerli, JDM Santana
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 21 (2), 11-30, 1999
Técnicas de medición de la eficacia publicitaria
AB Palacio, JDM Santana
Ariel, 1999
Entender la imagen de un destino turístico: factores que la integran y la influencia de las motivaciones
S Moreno Gil, A Beerli-Palacio, J León Ledesma
El proceso de formación de la imagen de los destinos turísticos: una revisión teórica
AB Palacio, JDM Santana
Estudios turísticos, 5-32, 2002
Antecedents and consequences of cultural intelligence in tourism
DM Frías-Jamilena, CM Sabiote-Ortiz, JD Martín-Santana, ...
Journal of destination marketing & management 8, 350-358, 2018
The effect of Cultural Intelligence on consumer-based destination brand equity
DM Frías-Jamilena, CM Sabiote-Ortiz, JD Martín-Santana, ...
Annals of Tourism Research 72, 22-36, 2018
The behavioural consequences of self‐congruency in volunteers
A Beerli, G Díaz, JD Martin
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 9 (1), 28-48, 2004
Model explaining the predisposition to donate blood from the social marketing perspective
A Beerli‐Palacio, JD Martín‐Santana
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 14 (3 …, 2009
How to increase blood donation by social marketing
A Beerli-Palacio, JD Martín-Santana
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing 12, 253-266, 2015
Intention of future donations: a study of donors versus non‐donors
JD Martín‐Santana, A Beerli‐Palacio
Transfusion medicine 23 (2), 77-86, 2013
Achieving donor repetition and motivation by block leaders among current blood donors
JD Martín-Santana, A Beerli-Palacio
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 47 (3), 337-343, 2012
Magazine advertising: factors influencing the effectiveness of celebrity advertising
JD Martín-Santana, A Beerli-Palacio
Journal of Promotion Management 19 (2), 139-166, 2013
Potential donor segregation to promote blood donation
JD Martín-Santana, A Beerli-Palacio
Transfusion and Apheresis Science 38 (2), 133-140, 2008
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Artículos 1–20