philip kitchen
philip kitchen
Professor of Marketing, ICN-Artem, Nancy, France
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The emergence of IMC: a theoretical perspective
PJ Kitchen, J Brignell, T Li, GS Jones
Journal of advertising research 44 (1), 19-30, 2004
New luxury brand positioning and the emergence of Masstige brands
Y Truong, R McColl, PJ Kitchen
Journal of Brand Management 16 (5), 375-382, 2009
Integrated marketing communication
PJ Kitchen, I Burgmann
Wiley international encyclopedia of marketing, 2010
Internal communication during change management
PJ Kitchen, F Daly
Corporate Communications: an international journal 7 (1), 46-53, 2002
Public relations: Principles and practice
PJ Kitchen
Cengage Learning EMEA, 1997
Communicating globally: An integrated marketing approach
DE Schultz, PJ Kitchen
(No Title), 2000
Status and conspicuousness–are they related? Strategic marketing implications for luxury brands
Y Truong, G Simmons, R McColl, PJ Kitchen
Journal of strategic marketing 16 (3), 189-203, 2008
A multi-country comparison of the drive for IMC
PJ Kitchen, DE Schultz
Journal of advertising Research 39 (1), 21-21, 1999
Integrated marketing communications in US advertising agencies: an exploratory study
DE Schultz, PJ Kitchen
Journal of Advertising research 37 (5), 7-18, 1997
Perceptional Components of Brand Equity: Configuring the Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Paths to Brand Loyalty and Brand Purchase Intent
G Foroudi, Jin, \Kitchen
journal of business research, 2018
The elaboration likelihood model: review, critique and research agenda
P J. Kitchen, G Kerr, D E. Schultz, R McColl, H Pals
European Journal of marketing 48 (11/12), 2033-2050, 2014
IMC, brand communications, and corporate cultures: Client/advertising agency co‐ordination and cohesion
L Eagle, PJ Kitchen
European Journal of Marketing 34 (5/6), 667-686, 2000
Integrating identity, strategy and communications for trust, loyalty and commitment
TC Melewar, P Foroudi, S Gupta, PJ Kitchen, MM Foroudi
European Journal of Marketing 51 (3), 572-604, 2017
Projecting corporate brand image and behavioral response in business schools: Cognitive or affective brand attributes?
SFS Alwi, PJ Kitchen
Journal of Business research 67 (11), 2324-2336, 2014
How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) works? A theoretical review and an analysis of its main drivers and effects
L Porcu, S del Barrio-García, PJ Kitchen
Communication & Society 25 (1), 313-348, 2012
A response to ‘Theoretical concept or management fashion’
DE Schultz, PJ Kitchen
Journal of Advertising Research 40 (5), 17-21, 2000
Raising the corporate umbrella: corporate communications in the twenty-first century
PJ Kitchen, DE Schultz
Springer, 2001
Corporate reputation: An eight-country analysis
PJ Kitchen, A Laurence
Corporate Reputation Review 6, 103-117, 2003
IMC: New horizon/false dawn for a marketplace in turmoil?
PJ Kitchen, DE Schultz
The Evolution of Integrated Marketing Communications, 123-130, 2013
IMC antecedents and the consequences of planned brand identity in higher education
P Foroudi, K Dinnie, PJ Kitchen, TC Melewar, MM Foroudi
European Journal of Marketing 51 (3), 528-550, 2017
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Artículos 1–20