Arnau Mir Torres
Arnau Mir Torres
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A new balance index for phylogenetic trees
A Mir, F Rosselló
Mathematical biosciences 241 (1), 125-136, 2013
On the choice of the pair conjunction–implication into the fuzzy morphological edge detector
M Gonzalez-Hidalgo, S Massanet, A Mir, D Ruiz-Aguilera
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 23 (4), 872-884, 2014
Cophenetic metrics for phylogenetic trees, after Sokal and Rohlf
G Cardona, A Mir, F Rosselló, L Rotger, D Sánchez
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-13, 2013
Rubisco catalytic properties optimized for present and future climatic conditions
J Galmés, MÀ Conesa, A Díaz-Espejo, A Mir, JA Perdomo, Ü Niinemets, ...
Plant Science 226, 61-70, 2014
Improving salt and pepper noise removal using a fuzzy mathematical morphology-based filter
M González-Hidalgo, S Massanet, A Mir, D Ruiz-Aguilera
Applied Soft Computing 63, 167-180, 2018
Exact formulas for the variance of several balance indices under the Yule model
G Cardona, A Mir, F Rosselló
Journal of Mathematical Biology 67 (6), 1833-1846, 2013
Sound Colless-like balance indices for multifurcating trees
A Mir, L Rotger, F Rosselló
PloS one 13 (9), e0203401, 2018
Digital imaging of the effect of photoetching on the photoresponse of n-type tungsten diselenide and molybdenum diselenide single crystal electrodes
P Salvador, AM Chaparro, A Mir
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (2), 760-768, 1996
Diagnosis support of sickle cell anemia by classifying red blood cell shape in peripheral blood images
W Delgado-Font, M Escobedo-Nicot, M González-Hidalgo, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 58, 1265-1284, 2020
Image analysis applications of morphological operators based on uninorms.
MG Hidalgo, AM Torres, D Ruiz-Aguilera, J Torrens-Sastre
IFSA/EUSFLAT Conf., 630-635, 2009
On Sackin’s original proposal: the variance of the leaves’ depths as a phylogenetic balance index
T M. Coronado, A Mir, F Rosselló, L Rotger
BMC bioinformatics 21 (1), 154, 2020
Exploring molecular evolution of Rubisco in C3 and CAM Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae
C Hermida-Carrera, MA Fares, M Font-Carrascosa, MV Kapralov, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 1-17, 2020
A balance index for phylogenetic trees based on rooted quartets
TM Coronado, A Mir, F Rosselló, G Valiente
Journal of Mathematical Biology 79 (3), 1105-1148, 2019
The mean value of the squared path-difference distance for rooted phylogenetic trees
A Mir, F Rosselló
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 371 (1), 168-176, 2010
Edge-images using a uninorm-based fuzzy mathematical morphology: Opening and closing
M González-Hidalgo, AM Torres, D Ruiz-Aguilera, JT Sastre
Advances in Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing: Methods and …, 2009
A fuzzy morphological hit-or-miss transform for grey-level images: A new approach
M González-Hidalgo, S Massanet, A Mir, D Ruiz-Aguilera
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 286, 30-65, 2016
A new edge detector based on uninorms
M González-Hidalgo, S Massanet, A Mir, D Ruiz-Aguilera
International Conference on Information Processing and Management of …, 2014
Noisy image edge detection using an uninorm fuzzy morphological gradient
M González-Hidalgo, AM Torres, JT Sastre
2009 Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2009
Positively selected amino acid replacements within the RuBisCO enzyme of oak trees are associated with ecological adaptations
C Hermida-Carrera, MA Fares, A Fernandez, E Gil-Pelegrin, MV Kapralov, ...
PLoS One 12 (8), e0183970, 2017
A fuzzy filter for high-density salt and pepper noise removal
M González-Hidalgo, S Massanet, A Mir, D Ruiz-Aguilera
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 15th Conference of the Spanish …, 2013
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