Diego Pérez Montes
Cited by
Cited by
Enabling BOINC in infrastructure as a service cloud system
D Montes, JA Añel, TF Pena, P Uhe, DCH Wallom
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (2), 811-826, 2017
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists
JA Añel, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias, Romano
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Cloud Computing for Climate Modelling: Evaluation, Challenges and Benefits
D Montes, JA Añel, DCH Wallom, P Uhe, PV Caderno, TF Pena
Computers 9 (2), 2020
climateprediction. net: A Cloudy Approach
D Montes, JAA Cabanelas
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2014
Tools in the Cloud
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 41-46, 2020
Ethical and Legal Considerations of Cloud Computing
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 73-76, 2020
CONDE: Climate simulation ON DEmand using HPCaaS
DA Pérez Montes, JA Añel, J Rodeiro
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20342, 2020
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer
AA Juan, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Springer International Publishing, 2020
You Are Outdated, We Are Already Updating This Book
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 77-78, 2020
Why This Book?
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 1-3, 2020
Serverless Experiments in the Cloud
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 63-72, 2020
Why the Cloud?
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 5-15, 2020
Experiments in the Cloud
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 47-61, 2020
Show Me the Money
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 33-40, 2020
From the Beginning to the Future
JA Añel, DP Montes, J Rodeiro Iglesias, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer, 17-31, 2020
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists
JA Añel, JA Añel, DP Montes, JR Iglesias, Romano
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Cloud and Serverless Computing for Scientists: A Primer
JRI JA Añel, DP Montes
Running Large and Dynamic Climate Ensembles in the Cloud
DA Pérez Montes, JA Añel Cabanelas, J Rodeiro
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2018, 2018
Insights on the use of WRF in Cloud Systems
DA Pérez Montes, JA Añel Cabanelas, J Rodeiro
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16881, 2018
Views on the potential of Cloud computing and IaaS/HPCaaS for meteorology and climatology
JA Añel, D Montes, DCH Wallom, P Uhe, P V. Caderno, A Arribas, ...
EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts 14 (EMS2017), 639, 2017
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Articles 1–20