Francisca Rosique Contreras
Francisca Rosique Contreras
Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
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Cited by
A systematic review of perception system and simulators for autonomous vehicles research
F Rosique, PJ Navarro, C Fernández, A Padilla
Sensors 19 (3), 648, 2019
Habitation: a domain-specific language for home automation
M Jimenez, F Rosique, P Sanchez, B Alvarez, A Iborra
IEEE software 26 (4), 30-38, 2009
A framework for developing home automation systems: From requirements to code
P Sánchez, M Jiménez, F Rosique, B Álvarez, A Iborra
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (6), 1008-1021, 2011
Introducing safety requirements traceability support in model-driven development of robotic applications
P Sanchez, D Alonso, F Rosique, B Alvarez, JA Pastor
IEEE Transactions on Computers 60 (8), 1059-1071, 2010
End-to-end deep neural network architectures for speed and steering wheel angle prediction in autonomous driving
PJ Navarro, L Miller, F Rosique, C Fernández-Isla, A Gila-Navarro
Electronics 10 (11), 1266, 2021
Transforming and tracing reused requirements models to home automation models
B Moros, A Toval, F Rosique, P Sánchez
Information and Software Technology 55 (6), 941-965, 2013
Applying vision-based pose estimation in a telerehabilitation application
F Rosique, F Losilla, PJ Navarro
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 9132, 2021
A component-based meta-model and framework in the model driven toolchain c-forge
FJ Ortiz, D Alonso, F Rosique, F Sánchez-Ledesma, JA Pastor
International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for …, 2014
A tool for facilitating the teaching of smart home applications
M Jiménez, P Sánchez, F Rosique, B Álvarez, A Iborra
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 22 (1), 178-186, 2014
A domain specific language for smart cities
F Rosique, F Losilla, JÁ Pastor
Proceedings 2 (3), 2017
Using artificial vision for measuring the range of motion
F Rosique, F Losilla, PJ Navarro
IEEE Latin America Transactions 19 (7), 1129-1136, 2021
Introducing safety requirements traceability support in model-driven development of robotic applications. Computers
P Sanchez, D Alonso, F Rosique, B Alvarez, J Pastor
IEEE Transactions on 60 (8), 1059, 2010
La naturaleza social de la educación y el papel del maestro
J Contreras
Tomado de http://valorasuc. cl/. El 1, 1, 2003
Autonomous vehicle dataset with real multi-driver scenes and biometric data
F Rosique, PJ Navarro, L Miller, E Salas
Sensors 23 (4), 2009, 2023
An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation.
F Losilla, F Rosique
ICSOFT, 643-648, 2019
Personal Assistance and Monitoring Devices Applications.
R Ferrero, M Rebaudengo, F Rosique
Adv. Hum. Comput. Interact. 2019, 8916796:1-8916796:2, 2019
C-Forge: a Model-Driven Toolchain for Developing Component-Based Robotics Software
FJ Ortiz, F Sánchez, D Alonso, F Rosique, CC Insaurralde
Eficacia del empleo de perfiles descendentes de sodio en hemodiálisis
FB Rosique, JPV García
Revista de la Sociedad Española de Enfermería Nefrológica 6 (1), 47-49, 2003
U-DSL: a Domain Specific Language for Ubiquitous Systems
F Rosique Contreras, B Alvarez, P Sanchez, JA Pastor
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (10), 4416-4420, 2016
Desarrollo integral de aplicaciones domóticas: una perspectiva metodológica
MFR Contreras
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 2012
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Articles 1–20